
Should Bolt also try the 400M in the future?

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Can he possibly do the 100, 200 and 400M triple some day?




  1. He should try sprinting the 100m and not 75m.

  2. sure why not

  3. Bolt could do well in the 400m.  But, there is one other event in which he would surely be dominant.  I'm surprised no one has thought of it -- the long jump.

    Jesse Owens and Carl Lewis both won it enroute to their 4 gold medals in the '36 and '84 Olympics because of their raw 100m speed.  Bolt has the sprint speed plus the height.  With a little training, he could set the world record being the first one to break the 30ft mark.  His combined speed + height would be an even bigger advantage in that event.  Too bad no one ever told him to try.

  4. No, he already has mentioned that he didn't want to put in the work required to run the 400 at the elite level. This is why he chose the 100 to add to the 200.

    He has such natural talent and speed that the 100-200 come easy to him. If his work ethic were to change then I'd have to change my mind.

    It would truly be amazing to see someone do this triple.

    Good Question.


  5. Bolts a beast

  6. yea!! he originally was a 400m runner. He's great!! i think he could take gold in all 3.

  7. I doubt it. The 400M is different from other sprints in that the athletes only reach about 90% of their maximum potential velocity in order to conserve energy and must stay at this speed from about the 100m mark all the way to the finish (approx. 30 sec). this is very hard to do especially for someone who is used to reaching 100% of his potential velocity. This is why we see very few 100 and 200m sprinters take on the 400 as well. It takes a lot of training to change one's running style. Michael Johnson showed us that it is possible but I can't see Bolt doing it

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