
Should Brett Favre have joined the Vikings instead of the Jets?

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Should Brett Favre have joined the Vikings instead of the Jets?




  1. he really didn't have the option to go there. It was between the bucs and jets and the jets were to ones to make the best offer to the Packers.

  2. Please no more Brett Favre stuff.....We have all spend weeks it seems hearing about him and the media have gone on and on..Please no more.

  3. What?

    You "join" the boy scouts, you join the army, you join a church, you join a cult, you join a credit union. . .

    He was traded to the Jets.

    That is like you telling the manager at Quickmart that you are going to join another Quickmart unless he gives you your own office. If he is not willing to transfer (trade) you to the other store and the board supports him - you are not going there.

  4. they wont let him watch espn before u ask

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