
Should Brian Murray really get rid of Ray Emery?

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Should Brian Murray really get rid of Ray Emery?




  1. First off, this is the rugby section.  You're asking an ice hockey question.  

    However, in answer to your question, I don't think he should.  His policy of having the goaltenders play until they lose was working pretty well, I think, although I don't know how that affected the team's morale.  Emery isn't great, but he's not bad to have around as a backup.  Gerber has only played a couple of years in the league, and he hasn't been impressive either.  His off-ice temper is a problem, though, and I suspect that's why Murray is trying to get rid of him.  I don't know how much money Emery wants, but if it's too high, I'd get rid of him and his distractions, and just settle with a mediocre backup for Gerber.  

    So my answer is: He should get rid of him if it seems like Emery's off-ice problems are going to continue or if he demands more money than a part-time goalie should be getting.  If not, keep him around to rotate in and out with Gerber.

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