
Should Britain Be Charged with War Crimes again the Irish?

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specifically during Ireland's war for independence,most the known world knows about ireland's fight,like the forming of the IRA and they killing they did,but what isnt widely known is the war crimes Britain committed again the irish,such as forming the Black and Tans and giving them protection to carry out murder,etc,etc.




  1. Yes exactly.

    Only if the Romans are charged with the same crime and or how about the Vikings.

    What about our Royal family.

    Do you know what it is still legal for them to do.

  2. I am british I haven't done any crimes against the Irish or anybody else. The crimes you refer to were perpertrated a long time ago. The Royal family's wealth was gained by pillage plunder and murder they should be stripped of their wealth and titles.

  3. i think the past is the past. i was born & live in the UK, but my mum is from Co. Armagh and my father is from "the Free State" or the Republic. they both believe and think its the past.

    a guy further up was on about the IRA, yes the IRA, did some terrible things, so did the UVF, they was as bad as each other. so britain be charged for " war Crimes" No!, it was war!. my cousin in the republic wont agree with me, i am going to print this out and send it to him, to see what he thinks

  4. it is an extraordinary act of self deception that the British can say,with a straight face,'who do think you are kidding,mr hitler?' when twenty years before that they allowed the Black and Tans,the scum of British jails,into Ireland to rape the country as retribution for the irish daring to ask them to leave-it is a clear case of when we do it it's ok but it's terrorism when others do it and the other answers to this question which range from hostility to sarcasm betray this inability to see their own faults

    i wish i could say that the british had learned their lesson from 800 years of attempted genocide and mercantilism in eire but,no, they are up to their old tricks in iraq with their 'we are right and everyone else is wrong' approach;admittedly they are probablly trying to do the right thing now as are some of the americans but the brits are not bullying a little nation that they outnumber fifty to one this time;notice that they caved into the chinese who outnumber them by the same margin in 97 and of course they cannot resort to gunboat diplomacy any more as they got the whole arab world up in arms and those boys are not famed for their cool heads

    but the most amazing thing is they genuinely believe they are smarter than everyone else;it is intellectual arrogance that  under pins this ;bad mistake this time,boys

  5. It is incredible  how  politicial correctness is now anti- Irish nationalism.

    It becomes irelevent if Britian should stand war crimes any more than Kissinger etc standing trial for Vietnnam Cambodia etc

    as every one knows that Victors don't get tried - no matter how badly they've acted.

    Since the secret forces of the  New World Order  are also responsible for much of the crimes of the British Empire including Ireland, Palestine and South Africa etc  are now even more powerful than they were then thanks to globalization  . The western power class  put their enemies on trial while they themselves know that they will enjoy  total impunity.

    There is no real justice  ihn the NWO- - just power disguised .

  6. You Nationalistic twit.

  7. I think that is something that the new Irish government should decide, but will probably never bring up. I hope it all goes well and people like yourself should let things go and be happy there is no longer violence at such a scale there used to be. Therefore my answer would be no.

  8. No. All is fair in love and war.

    They operated under different legal constraints to that which

    applies nowadays.

    In those days Britain was top dog and as such were acting legally. Much the same as the USA is today. Who can stop them from doing what they want to do?

    It is only the politically correct that want to drag such historical events into today's different legal constraints..

  9. Yes of course they should - not!

    I cannot believe you had the audacity to even ask that question!!!

    Perhaps you would like to ask those people in this country who have family who have suffered the atrocities committed by the IRA - like the innocent children they have blown up amongst others?!

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