
Should Britain follow Pakistan and impeach Gordon Brown for being a complete tosser?

by Guest55678  |  earlier

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Don't tell me Parliament passed a law making it legal for PMs to be complete tossers? I know they passed laws making it legal for politicians to fleece the general public, but surely they didn't cover incompetent tossers.....did they?




  1. YES

  2. Hanging is to good for that b@ stard.

  3. I like the idea but I don't think being a tosser is a criminal offence  

  4. After he is finished drawing out a long and painful reign as PM, (because we all know that rather than put us all out of our misery he will stick it out for as long as possible) I have every faith that the good people of the UK will oust him and his horrendous party out of government.

  5. Im peach him? put the tosser in the stocks and THROW peaches at him (not Geldof of course) The old saying is that s**t sticks and this piece is welded into Downing Street. There doing more than fleecing us, they are ripping the skin off our a*s*s.

  6. ha ha...that's rich coming from  answer is no, of course not!

  7. I think a good old fashioned hanging would be more appropriate old boy. Harsh....maybe, but its for the good of the country and harsh decisions are whats needed. I think even that oaf Brown would have agree with that. Tip top.

  8. what a good idea!I will vote for that proposal!

  9. Brown's mandate is about as questionable as Musharrif's so sure impeach away

    a vote of no confidence would do too

  10. Sure, just kick him out like you did the last guy, or kill him.  I've never seen such backward behaviour towards leaders in a western country.  Be anarchist I guess or embrace Sharia law.

  11. nothing can be done we are all doomed Brown is the masterful leader and we all must obey the great one...NOT.

    he is a grade A toss pot but we cannot do a thing until a general election

  12. There is no comparison.

    I love your extensive vocabulary, by the way

  13. what the h**l is a tosser??

  14. Mr Bean is not a President so you can't impeach him - he is a Prime Minister unfortunately!

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