
Should Britain pull out of NATO ?

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to be honest we never have and never will reap the benefits




  1. someone is greedy!

  2. I think the whole of Europe should stay away from Nato and become more unionized and create its own army, with the purpose to finally have leverage on the international level, finally annex Russia to the EU, kick US off our land, and stop seeking for oil, but start researching and using unlimited natural resources such as wind, water and sun to produce energy, without the risk that US authorities would kill our scientists.

  3. Sure why not? Perhaps we should just dissolve NATO,so then when some European Country starts the next World War,there will be no one to help. If I had my way I would simply get the US to get out of NATO,after making our own Alliances with as many NATO countries as possible,excluding those who have no use in NATO anymore,like France. Many of the NATO countries have no intention of standing up to anything anymore anyway.So the US should just create their own block of countries,then tell the Russians they can take the rest,with no interference from us.I for one like Britain,and hope they are in any new Alliance,but I guess that's your choice.But giving countries the protection of NATO,when they have no intention of contributing is ridiculous.


  4. NO

    UK should stay in NATO so that in the future they CAN reap benefits, just in case something happens

  5. You don't reap any benefits from pulling out, so you might as well stay in. Not to mention the fact that if Britain is EVER attacked, Nato has to intervene on its behalf.  

  6. I have to disagree with the idea that the UK has never had any of the benifits as a NATO member.

    She has had several allies that are willing to assist her if she were attacked... She has access to a forum where grievences can be discussed in a nutral setting. She has a point of contact with every other NATO member even if the country in question has no Embecies in the UK. I do not believe that pulling out of NATO would be a prudent move.

  7. Yes. Stand on your own. When Russia makes more advances into Europe, the UK can stand by herself.

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