
Should Britain scrap Royals?

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What do you people think about this?




  1. Yep.

    Bunch o' parasites the lot of 'em.

  2. We need a head of state.  What's the alternative?  If we had an elected president, it would be a politician and we've got enough of them with their snouts in the trough as it is.

    Our monarchy is cheap compared to the cost of present and retired presidents in other western countries.  It's good for tourism.  And it provides the ultimate safeguard if the politicians decide they want even more power.

  3. Yes,  they are an embarrassing relic of the past and a very expensive one too, there corruption and greed is endless. Every government dept. has to contribute to there lavish life style and the total cost is never revealed as it comes under the official secrets act.

  4. No

  5. I was going to post this question but 4 people got there before me.'UN: Should Britain scrap Royals?' is the Yahoo headlines, and one reason is for the way Britain treats certain immigrants. Well, that could be the bloke next door, not the queen! LOL!

    Life would not be better for anyone if the Royals were scrapped. the 62p a week is so insignificant you could hardly buy anything with it - except 3 Milky Way bars.

    This 62p a week, however, could be put towards something else.

    However - what is the Queen supposed to do?

    She, her family and her posse of courtiers are the custodians of a lot of our nation's treasures.

    Do we want to scrap all those too?

    So, if you do want to scrap the royalty how would you do it?

    A referendum doesn't come cheap.

  6. no,they should keep the royal family but take all their money of them and give it to the poor estates in England.

  7. ...and end up with a president like Bush? At least the Royal family have no power and they are a huge tourist (probably the biggest) pull...and they are a link to our fantastic history...cos we are a fantastic country..lets not forget that

  8. I am British born & bred and I think its time for us to scrap the monarchy.  They are far too expensive and if we are truly a democracy then we should have an elected head of state.

  9. dunno ;s

  10. They are good for tourism, good for promoting the Nation to the World, held in high esteem by other countries leaders and statesmen  AND do a h**l of a lot for charity.

    The current Royal Family can trace its ancestors back over a thousand years.

    I know some people moan about the civil list money etc, but come on, you can't just scrap them. They are actually good for Great Britain.

  11. Should Britain scrap Royals

  12. Yes. Take a look at France & Russia... they scraped their monarchies and their doing just fine... and for those people with the same old excuse that the royal family is doing something... get a reality check... even if they're gone, this country will still get tourists.

    The palace of versailles is a great example. France has no royalty anymore, but they still get thousands of tourists every year just to see the palace alone.

  13. No its part of our history, we are british, we have royal family :)

  14. The Queen is the head of my country and should always stay so.

  15. no, its tradition, and british. and there not really doing any harm are they

  16. Yes!

    What is their purpose?

    We pay them to do f*ck all!

    Get rid of them, get her ugly mug off coins and stamps and celebrate!


  17. No! Why the h**l should we? Im English and im proud to stand up and sing God Save The Queen, to have Christmas, to enjoy Easter, and to be Christian. why should a country like ours listen to what the UN say? we already kiss *** America do we really have to listen to the UN, its degrading

  18. Royalty exists on the premise that some people are born better than other people- get rid of it!

  19. No, It makes us different to most countries and i love the queen shes so hugable lol

  20. I just read that on yahoo news. A notion raised by Syria of all countries. Also there were complaints that muslims are being discriminated against. This from some of the most backwardly undemocratic countries in the UN; people who don't even know the meaning of discrimination or tolerance. UK government bends over backwards to minorities..

  21. I think not. Having a royal family is something that makes me proud to be British.

  22. This sounds like a lot of sour grapes:

    The Sri-Lankans say we should look at abolishing the monarchy - is Sri Lankans such a good example of a democracy?

    Apparently we're mis-treating Sudanese Immigrants - that's easy don't let them in.

    Syria accuses us of discriminating against Muslims? - I thought we put more effort into Muslim integration that any other group including Christians.

    Iran accuses us of not tacking sexual discrimination - Iran the country with one of the worst records on discrimination.!

    The UN does all sorts of good things but now it seems that its Bash Britain time - and those who are complaining appear to have the worst record on what they are complaining about.

    Something about a Pot calling the Kettle.

    Come on the Monarchy is one of the few things this country has that's an example to the world and brings it kudos and revenue.. ah that's it they want us the scrap the one thing we have going for us then we can be downgraded from the UN council as an irrelevant island.

  23. Certainly not I am hoping someday they will invite me to a garden party.

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