
Should Burger King be renamed Chavvy King?

by  |  earlier

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  1. no mcdonalds should, burger king is too expensive for chavs

    Edit: lol yeah or McChavs

  2. Or the food is edible are you joking.

  3. Yeah, like 'Macy D' and KVB

    Don't Ask Me For What It Stands For

  4. no

  5. Must be some silly Brit thing.

    No, it should not be renamed. If you don't like the crowd of chavs in their hoodies and hightops hanging out at your local BK, go somewhere else!

  6. PoorLittleCows King

  7. i dont think so

  8. No. As long as they sell Burgers then it should be Burger King.

  9. noo way!!! burger king is the best name

  10. why have you had a problem..............

  11. not really why

  12. Yes it should

    I totally agree with you on this

  13. No McDonald's should but my friends cousin told her that whatever she does to never eat there because he's seen what some of the workers do with the food.

  14. tastes better than macdonalds at least,

  15. Why is that then?

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