
Should Bush and Cheney be impeached?

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If yes, how do we do it? Congress won't. Obama won't. The rest of the Democrats won't. So what do we do?




  1. Begining how in-peared ,,, as everyone is both,, being impeached --- everyone should be looking for the '' Pit '' in the middle of every problem !!

  2. They certainly should be.. but Pelosi, the wimpett.. and the rest of congress are too afraid.  I wonder why.. what have they done that is illegal too.

    d**n but we sure have a lot of greasy people running our government don't we?

  3. Yes of course if they have violated there position which they have. Now Pelossi Is a Pulussy she doesn't have the balls to pull it. There is overwhemling evidence of his total disrespect for what this country stand s for. i. e., the founding father who drafted the U.S. Constitution. Every dog has its day that dog day is coming!!!!

  4. Nope, since no one can prove that a law was broken there isn't an impeachable offense.

  5. YES! Look at the state that america is in!

  6. Only if we impeach those Supreme Court Justices that want to give Osama bin Laden a day in court.

  7. h**l NO!!! It's sooooooooooo funny watching your country get ****** over by a leader you guys voted for!!! Just let us have another 7 months of laughter... please....

  8. Impeached for what?!  Obama's a Senator.  How is he going to impeach the President  and the Vice President of the United States?!  ( o _ 0 )  Dude get real.

  9. It doesn't matter if they "should" be impeached. Bush and Cheney are above the law. And their blatantly illegal behavior shows that they know it and they enjoy it.

  10. For what reason?  Legitimate reason!  

    No, they should not be impeached.  They will be out of office in a little over 6 months.  Let history decide what kind of a job they really did do in office.  But Obama and the other Dems haven't started impeachment proceedings because there is no legal basis for doing so.

  11. yes we should,

  12. No, that would make them pardon themselves. Better to let them be prosecuted after they have left office and no longer have the power of their positions to protect them from their long list of crimes such as ordering torture, illegal war, spying on the American people and on and on. The law will catch up with the lawless.

  13. Yes.

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