
Should Bush be given an Acadamy Award for his 8 year acting career?

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Should Bush be given an Acadamy Award for his 8 year acting career?




  1. No but you deserve a Darwin award.

  2. No, Obama should receive it since he is much more talented at an earlir stage than Bush is.

  3. You know, I don't think he has been acting.  I think he is so out of touch , that he really thinks he is doing a good job.  Why, because Rove and Cheney tell him he is.  Poor guy.

  4. Give him Something

  5. Finally some insultingly rhetorical questions from the left side of the peanut gallery (LOL) for a change!!!  No.  He is what he is sincerely and if he is a village idiot then he is "our" village idiot.  They say that a nation gets the leadership it deserves in order  to learn the lessons of history.  The Germans in 1934 got theirs and we  Americans have ours.  As this recession deepens and spreads, we will see everyone's true colors--that is if people keep the internet information flow open and the Bill of Rights as the law of the land.

  6. George Bush is a good man and an iconic American....history will treat him well.

    Ingrates and the sheople of the anti american left...that kneel at the behest of Michael Moore Obomba, etc.. will always be in there own delusional conspiracies.

  7. George W. Bush has been one of the greatest presidents of our time. He is second only to Thomas Jefferson. God bless GWB for his bravery and integrity, and for always being honest and sincere with the American people.

  8. kept us safe and thats far better then any democrat could do

    way better    

    way better then any kennedy pelosi reid    could ever do

  9. Acting? Remember Clinton...biting his lower lip...."I did not have s*x with that woman, Ms Lewinski" that was acting !!!

    And how about that phony video of Hillary and Bill on the beach dancing...LOL....

  10. he'll get his reward in the afterlife

  11. If Tom Hanks can get one for playing a hapless idiot in a two hour film, then surely GWB should also receive one for performing a similar role for 8 years.

  12. No we leave worthless awards like that up to Al Gore.  He covets superfluous things like that.

  13. The only thing Bush deserves is an 8' x 8' jail cell.

  14. No.  I suspect youre confusing acting with LEADING.  

  15. the only award bush and cheney deserve is a very well deserved one finger salute.

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