
Should Bush fly around the nation to survey the damage he's done to this country?

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and apologize to every single American he comes across..

What a grand idea.




  1. No.  You can't "force" someone to care about something, and it's evident by his actions (and inaction in some instances) that Bush doesn't care about this country.  Flying him around is just a waste of time and resources.

    Just let him retire to Paraguay and spend the rest of his life hiding from the International War Crimes Tribunal.

  2. You are laying blame to someone who could not do evil to a country that has a congress and senate, and a lot of checks and balances. The government has been controlled by Democrats for 4 years, so I don't see how the president can be assumed to have caused the problems you indicate.He owes nothing to anyone,and if his programs had been ratified, we would not be in the situation we have today.

  3. Perhaps the Democrat controlled congress who appropriates funds and legislates, should accompany him on his trip.

    The genius of our nation is its "checks and balances".  This keeps one man from causing the damage that you believe he has caused.  Each state has its own legislature (which the overwhelming majority are controlled by Democrats), Each state has its own executive (again the majority are Democrats), Each state has two senators (the majority of which are Democrats... again), and local area has a congressman (yep, you guessed it- the majority of them are Democrats again)... so if America is in as bad of shape as you say it is in then perhaps the Republican president and the Democrat Senators, Congressmen, Governors, and State Legislatures should go on tour together.

    But why should they go... They were fooled by GWB... The man they all claim is "a pathetic idiot".

    Give me a republican over a democrat any day- take a look at what happens to states and cities that are ran by democrats:  Michigan vs. Georgia, Chicago vs. New York...  Why do you find it so hard to see that Democrats and big government only s***w things up?

  4. YES - he should!

  5. Dream on.  This is all part of "the plan".  What was it that the Tibetan protesters wrote on their hotel room wall in China...."One government, one h**l".

  6. he has done no more damage than any other president. if Obama wins it will get worse

  7. Onion News ftw

  8. i would thank him for keeping the middle east safe from Saddam and his future sons of evil, if we hadn't done nothing about Afghanistan and Iraq we would have a lot more terrorist attacks along with an unstable region of the world, history always repeats itself if we were to take hitler out of the equation instead of relying on peace papers there would have been no world war 2

  9. He was especially evil in causing all those hurricanes, floods and tornadoes.  

  10. Think shipping him and the entire democratic and republican parties over to the hague to be tried for war crimes would be a better idea.  

  11. Why, so he could look in the mirror and say...Brownie, you're doing one heckuva job!

  12. I can't vote because I'm only lvl 1... so just so its on paper.. Uncle Tom has my vote!

    Why would anyone want to President anyway? All you are is a political finger pointer... the power of the country lies in its Congress and Senate. Which a majority, as Uncle Tom said, is democrat.

    If Bush should have to apologize to every American I better d@mn well see Nacy Pelosi right behind him.

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