
Should CHRIS MORRIS or RICKY GERVAIS do a series purely about P.C.and bring all those self appointed thoug?

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thought police

[-who want to gag people& stop them even bringing up the subject of race/religion/immigration etc-]

crashing down in mockery, excruciating embarassment and exquisite humiliation?

i think a whole new seam of comedy could be mined, by bringing to light the the doings of these people as they try to be seen to be sitting on the good side of the fence, not because they BELIEVE the views they are regurgitating, but because of fear of how the other thought police might stigmatize them....and how this leads to a virus spreading through an organization, turning everyone it touches into a new reluctant convert to the ranks of the thought police.

its the comedy of fearing to break ranks with your peers, for fear of being unjustly branded an "IST"..whether its sexIST racIST or whatever is the latest IST, and how that can generate such absurd politically correct conversations and how it can inhibit people [in this land of free speech] from even saying what they think at all




  1. you only have to ask once

  2. Sorry but as you obviously think your view is so marvellous you post the question umpteen times so not gonna answer

  3. Misusing Answers: Asking the same question over and over agin, in inappropriate categories.

  4. Sorry, what was your question again?

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