
Should CNN be re-named the 'Tornado Channel'?

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Should CNN be re-named the 'Tornado Channel'?




  1. In these states that have tonados they also have relatives all over the country.  Since phone lines are down the only way they have of finding out how many died in this area? was there kids killed? When will the phones be up and running?

    Having relatives in Oklahoma and not knowing who was hit and how many died and was we relatived to any of them?

    CNN is the only station on the TV for most of us here.

    We want the information and the constant weather report are we in a safe area or should we run for the storm cellar?

    This information is vital, I realize for you guys in California it doesn't seem important to you but it is to us.

    Wait until you have the big earth quake that is coming.

    CNN will gain a lot more importance for you.

  2. There are a lot of things CNN doesn't cover, not in depth. In the 90s it was the only TV news I watched, and now I can barely watch it at all. Tornadoes are horrible. They cost people everything they have in some cases. But if that were me I wouldn't want a news camera pointed in my face, it seems like it's making a spectacle. If a tornado wrecked my house I'd want to be left alone so I can figure out what to do next. Some tornado coverage is necessary, but not to CNN's degree.

  3. Hmmm, tornados, emergency situation for many, things getting destroyed and people desperate for news....or....Obama/Clinton, who got randomly murdered today and just how high are gas prices going to be tomorrow *drum roll*

    I'll take the tornados.

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