
Should Camilla be pelted with rotten eggs?

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The Daily Express to-day stated that if Camilla's goes to Diana's memorial, she and her husband Charles will be pelted with eggs.

Thousands of angry Daily Express readers demanded yesterday that the Duchess of Cornwall should change her mind and not Attend the memorial to Princess Diana.

Daily Express phone lines were jammed, with 90% of callers agreeing that Camilla was insulting Diana's memory.

Many pointed out that Diana named Camilla as the woman who ruined her marrage, and already been hypocritical in going to Diana's

wedding to Charles.




  1. no! she shouldn't she's a women just the same as diana would, the world should stop acting as if diana was some kind of angel who could do no wrong, & that camilla is the devil incarnate,

  2. I couldn't give a **** either way.  Most of us couldn't.

  3. I would say no, Charles should be the one tae get the eggs, he should have gone with the wifie he wanted tae be with, not the one that got him the best publicity. If he already had a wee thing for Camilla, he should have left Diana alone!!

  4. Speaking as a Republican, I would say no. If people want to make a peaceful protest, fine, but throwing eggs at somebody is the action of a thug.

  5. Certainly not...I do not think that to pelt someone with eggs is something Princess Diana herself would approve of...and why should Camilla not go she is the step mother for the boys...

    And it takes far more than just one person to ruin a marriage...its time people stopped being so god d**n stupid..

  6. yes

  7. Sounds a good idea can i join in???

  8. It would be the height of bad taste for her to attend the service so I am sure she will.  If she does I sincerly hope she is assaulted!!!!

  9. Even better, She should be dragged through the streets by the masses and pelted with rotten vegetables, brought before the courts, put on trial, found guilty, flogged and sentenced to the guillotine and after this, we will all go to McDonald's for lunch!

  10. I would go with whatever William and Harry want. It is their mother's memorial service, they should decide who should be there. If they are OK with Camilla, then that's fine, if they do not want her to go and she does then that's typical of Charles and his stubborn ways. Camilla is in an impossible situation.

  11. I loved Princess Diana, but when you look at her life, without looking through rose coloured glasses, you see that she was human and like everybody else abused her fame toward her own agenda. there was nothing wrong with this, for her agenda, on the most part, was to highlight the struggle of others. that said, a Princess of the U.K should not have used her fame to go on Panorama and air her dirty laundry in front of the masses, she mentioned the 3 people in her marriage, the third being a reference to Camilla, the Princes' Mistress,

    this was done on purpose to gain the populations sympathy, I know as I write this I am thinking to myself "your slagging of Diana" but the marriage had two people in it and Diana was not a saint.

    my interpretation of the events of their marriage was that it was a 'pre-arranged marriage', that benefited the Monarchy and the future of the Royal Family, who's popularity was flagging  at the time. the insertion of a popular figure like Diana was a tremendous coup for the Monarchy.............that seriously backfired. the Monarchy or establishment, gave the Kingdom a Princess to adore within the ranks ofthe Royal Family, what happened was that the Princess stopped being the Princess of Wales and became the Princess of the people. so when Diana died she was no longer seen as a dead Princess but as a dead Icon of love.  

    what I believe is that the new Duchess of Cornwall was kept in the wings as the true love of Charles' life, that the establishment deemed not good enough (at the time) to be a Princess of the Masses. so if you believe as I, Camilla deserves more respect than is given to her for her part, for I think Diana knew about Camillia and knew about what her role as Princess was, she knew her marriage was a public relations tactic to gain popularity, but in the end couldn't live within the confines of the deal she had struck.

    as far as Camilla joining the Charles and the Princes' at Diana's memorial, I think that her staying away could be detrimental to her relationship with HER new family,  its not her fault that she was overturned infavour of the beautiful Diana.

    also remember Diana was having relations with Dodi Fayed, a Muslim, and it was reported that she was thinking of marriage, she had moved on with her life, shouldn't we!  I think of Diana as the people's  Princess, and Camilla as the love of Charles' life, if the Princes' William and Harry have no objection ( and we are talking about their Mother) then who are we to say anything to the conturary

  12. No.  Grow up and be dignified.

  13. I don`t think that Camilla was the reason for Charles and Diana`s marriage breakdown, I think they were a mismatch from the start. Diana also wasn`t all angelic and innocent. What about her `friendships` with Will Carling and James Hewitt? I can`t see anything wrong with Camilla, she`s been very dignified in all of this affair, and Charles obviously loves and cares for her. She doesn`t deserve to be pelted with rotten eggs or anything else, and as for being hypocritical in going to the wedding I shouldn`t expect she thought she`d ever be married to Charles and in this situation now. I think people are being very cruel towards her, it wasn`t her fault Diana died. These kind of things can happen in any relationship. If Charles and the boys want her there, I don`t see a problem with that. To be honest it`s about time all these Dianadorers got off her back.

  14. No why should hens be stuck in tiny cages producing eggs just for them to go rotten and be thrown at someone?

    And Free-range eggs are too delicious to allow them to go rotten.

    Another reason NOT to buy newspapers.

  15. all the way

  16. Charles never loved Diana he married her out of duty and so he could have a son to take over the throne!! As horrible as it is he has always loved Camilla not Diana !! Diana was a classy lady who never deserved what she got but before the accident she had moved on with her life and I believe she would want people to do the same!! Throwing eggs will do nothing to change the facts!!

  17. Certainly not! After all, she is the wife of the heir to the British throne.

    Rotten tomatoes are far more appropriate.

  18. He should go, she shouldn't, it would be in extremely poor taste. CAMILLIA didn't ruin the marriage, Prince Charles did.  Of course we got our info. from the national enquire, and you know how it is.   Save your rotten eggs for a visiting USA representative.  

    California resident

  19. lets face it, it would be a massive improvement on her looks

  20. The Diandroids should give up.

  21. I agree with spice g 100%. Looks are not everything. Prince Charles is in love with Camilla something he never felt when he was married to Diana.

  22. I think Camilla has already received her punishment.  She will never be a full sincere worthy human in the eyes of many many people.  Maybe it's time to move on.  It's really not worth the effort to throw eggs at her.  And how rude!  What sort of memorial would that make, with people blaming someone and throwing eggs?  Real nice way to pay tribute to someone you loved!

  23. What has Camilla ever done to Daily Express readers?  Why can't people leave the woman alone. From everything I have seen she is gracious and charming and does not deserve the vilification she is getting from the Diana mob.

  24. Put it this way, Camilla was the true love of Charlies life, even before his arranged marriage to Diana. Unfotunately our Royal family still practices the archaic tradition of betrothal. Had it been abolished years previously, there would not have been a Princess Diana, but a Princess Camilla!

    Yes, Diana's life was made a misery, but that was thanks to our monarchys very outdated traditions.

  25. i have to say that if i were Camilla...i would have to bow out of going to her memorial....

    I believe however that Charles never loved beautiful as she was, her marriage was doomed from the start

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