
Should Camilla be queen?

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Prince Charles is determined to make Camilla queen when he accedes to the throne, it has been reported. But does the long-term mistress he married following the death of Diana deserve to be crowned?




  1. Absolutely not!

    I still think of her now as the old trollop that wouldn't leave Charles alone!

  2. Never, she would be so unpopular that the monarchy would suffer terribly.  Charles's popularity has suffered since his adultery with Camilla came out while he was still married to Diana.

    The people have to respect and admire their king and queen...there is none for Charles and Camilla

    William should be the next King.

  3. Noooooooo......Noooooooo

  4. She looks like a drag queen. She will never be the queen

  5. Absolutely, unlike Diana she(Camilla) happens to be human... a major bonus over Diana.

  6. Of course she should,she is the wife of the heir to the throne. She will be a far better Queen than the first wife of The Prince of Wales !

  7. Absolutely not. Prior to her first marriage in 1973 when she was going out with Prince Charles, the royal family considered she was not suitable to have the royal children and was therefore forbidden to marry Charles. If she wasn't suitable to give royal heirs, why would she be suitable to be Queen.

  8. Should Charles be king ?

  9. Will it change your life if she does?? so why worry about it. You do not care if the head of the BBC marries, so why should Camilla becoming queen bother you. Nothing will change in England and nothing will change in any ones life . I come from a republic :)

  10. She will never become the queen of England,only the queen of Tarts.

  11. No. Uh-uh. No way. Not no how. No, no, no. And for that matter, neither does he!

  12. Why shouldn't she be ? Charles has always loved her and I think she'll make a good queen. I think Diana was popular but Camilla is mature and strikes me as a very warm and loving person.  One can never be sure  about people though..

  13. No she should not ! I don't  think Charles should be King either, he would become the head of the Church of England and a divorcee. If the church doesn't recognise remarriage for the ordinary people why should it be changed for him. It would be better for the crown to skip a generation and pass to William.

  14. IMO, no, she should not be the queen.

  15. noooooooooooooo wayyyyyyyyyy!!!

  16. From Scotland - NO! If you had given any guy the choice of Beautiful Diana of The old Camilla who do you think they would choose??

  17. According to someone, she can not be queen. As o'd up says, he looks like a man.

    Obviously somebody else wants to be queen. Guess who? Look up and see. Hint: Just posted a question in g**s & Bisexuals.

  18. should camilla be queen. should osama bin laden be us president, should hitler (if he wasnt dead),  be prime minister of israel. I think we all know the answers to these questions!!!!  All joking aside, seriously now, camilla is such a wonderful sweet woman, sssoooo hot and with a face that would outshine cindy crawford . Such a sterling example of an upright, classy and cultured lady. England would be privledged to have her as queen. Gotta go now the nice man wants me to put on a lovely white coat with buckles on the back. see ya

  19. No, she shouldn't. I don't think it will happen, I reckon they will give her some kind of "Consort" title and leave it at that to avoid a load of hassle.

  20. nnnoooo way

  21. You Brits deserve only the best breeding stock available.

  22. h**l NO! I have nothing against the woman, I don't care that she was with Charles out of wedlock, but she has no class, social skills, she does not have what it takes to take on the responsabilities of the Queen. The don't think the people of England respect her much . She does not set the example the people of that country expect of the Queen. I do not believe charles will be king I think they go to the boys.

  23. if Charles says yes, then why not? I think it's unfair that people don't want her to be queen just because she's ugly and married to the biggest ears in the world. And they should have been married years ago! Charles should never have married Diana. That way, they wouldn't have gone through all that trouble.

  24. Personally, I don't give a f***. They are all parasites and we are mugs to allow them to live off our moral earnings.

  25. Should anyone be Queen?

  26. NEVER she is horrible I think Charles and her should live abroad,she will never be anything as long as Princess Diana is remembered.

  27. not ever

  28. Why not? She's far better suited to Charles that that attention-seeking moaner Diana.


  30. No, I think that the length of time their love has lasted , is wonderful, but they should have stayed away from each other while they were married to other people, But I blame the Monarchy , they interfered too much in peoples love lives, Edward & Mrs. Simpson,Princess Margaret & Captan Peter Townsend, Charles & Diana, they only wanted them to marry for the Heirs to the throne.How would you feel if your in-laws knew your Husband / Wife was seeing someone else, & keeping quiet over it, allowing it to go on, ? I would be deverstated.

  31. Yeah, let her become queen.  If Charles and Camilla end up being king & queen it will help the campaign for an elected head of state no end!!!

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