
Should Canadians have the "Right To Bare Arms", like U.S. Citizens do?

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Correction: Bear.




  1. the gun laws mean nothing to the bad guys, they just get a gun under the table...the h**l with the laws.  So really I think that any one that is honest, mentally stable, never been in trouble with the law should be able to have a gun.  Or do we wait for the inevitable...have our homes invaded by the bad guys,who have an illegal arsenal of every weapon known to mankind.  and we have no way of protecting our families and home...

  2. Absolutely- we should take it up a notch and entrench the right to bare legs into our constitution too.

  3. Our laws make sure only safe and sound people can have wepons for hunting and the occasional person wants them for defense. But over all, the laws are perfect. Look at america, many people have guns and so many people are kill. Here, not many are killed. And since the gouvernement registers the guns, it is known who owns what gun. Its all for our safety.

  4. yes they should,they might get a burglur in thier house

  5. IS a little chillier in Canada...but I think they should be able to wear what they long as common decency isn't compromised...although there are some folks upper arms that I just don't want to see...

  6. Canadians should have the right to BARE arms...even though it's gets cold up there and exposed flesh can freeze fast especially with a wind blowing....I would say more people would exercise their rights in the summer rather than i the cold Canadian winter....but with enough alcohol anything is possible!

  7. Depends on where you live -

    Bare arms in Ontario probably June-October

    Bare arms in Nunuvut --- NEVER! unless you fancy frostbite

  8. They should!  They should make sure they wear short sleeves wherever they go.

    Bare:  naked, nude, exposed, uncovered.

    Bear:  to carry, to possess

  9. Canadian gun laws and policies are perfect the way they are.

  10. I like it the way it is.  A gun has to be registered and licensed and you have to have your gun license to shoot it in legal areas (must be 18 to get license i think).  This has probably cut down on accidental deaths a lot.  Just watch the movie `Bowling for Columbine``

  11. I thought we did. I myself wear sleeveless shirts quite often in summer and haven't been arrested yet.

  12. We do have the right to bear arms.  We just don't have a reason to excercise it...

    And we like to bare our arms when the weather is nice..

  13. NO

    just look at what a mess the US is

    gun slinging  fools everywhere

  14. In theory they do.  A judge even said so in a ruling a few months back.

    Since the police have no duty to protect any individual at any time it only makes sense to allow them the tools to protect themselves.  Right now carrying anything including legal objects like knives for the purpose of self defence is a crime.

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