
Should Carmela attend Diana memorial service organised by Prince Williams and Harry.?

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Should Carmela attend Diana memorial service organised by Prince Williams and Harry.?




  1. The old slag should'nt attend anything.

  2. I can't see the remotest reason for anyone to go to a memorial service for that horrible,demented,loose moralled harridan !

  3. The princes may, as a courtesy to their father, invite Camilla to the memorial service.  But even if they do, she should decline out of respect for the many people who'll be there who truly loved Diane.  That home wrecker is the reason the boys lost their mother at such an early age and she has no business showing her face anywhere near the premises where the memorial will be held.  In a situation such as this, One cannot say 'Let bygones be bygones'.

  4. Carmela is from The Sopranos

  5. That  would seem to be hypocritical, don't you think?

  6. Is this Carmela in any way related to Diana? If so, why shouldn't she (presumably a she) attend?

  7. If I ever express an opinion about this...please shoot me.

  8. I think the answer to this is absolutely not, but I would never put anything past this evil tart who set out to destroy Dianas wedding and made that poor girls life such a misery for a very long time. Just because time has past does not mean people will forget what this women did? and shame on William & Harry for overlooking the sheer misery this women caused their mother. There are some things in this life that should never ever be forgiven and one womans betrayol of another is one of them.

  9. If they want her to be there then yes she should .Its a service for them to remember their mother so whatever they want should go.

  10. I was going to ask this one

    No, Camilla should not attend...she was part of the reason that Diana is no longer here, albiet indirectly.

  11. If you mean Camilla then no, I don't think she should go, it wouldn't be appropriate

  12. carmela should'nt but maybe camilla could

  13. I don't think she should be there unless the boys turly want her there and they think it's the right thing.

    Does anyone know if this will air on TV?

  14. Who's Carmela?

    Now, Camilla... If I were in her shoes, I would ask the boys.  If they want her there she should be, if they don't she shouldn't.

  15. Carmela????   You mean CAMILLA................  nobody cares about any of them

  16. That decision is up to the Princes themselves. Camilla has kept in the background and supported her husband. If she and Prince Charles are invited, she will attend.

  17. Carmela shoudn't and neither should Camilla.

  18. It really depends on weather or not the boys want her there, I would not want a parent's "other partner"  at a memorial service.     What I don't understand is why Charles was not allowed to marry Camella in the first place, he was in love with her before he married Diana,  I know it has to do with the laws of the royals, but I don't know why he could not be with her then but he can be now.  I am ignorant of the law there.

  19. yes, if for no other reason than to show respect for her step-children.

  20. I think CAMILLA  should respect the wishes of Princes William and Harry.  I know I will be shouted down, but I think Royal Protocol prevented Charles and Camilla being married in the first place.  Diana was used to provide an heir and a spare.  I think that William will be a good King and without Diana he wouldn't have existed.  Diana should be remembered and respected, which brings me back to - it should be the Princes respected choice whether or not Camilla attends.  Personally I don't think either Charles or Camilla should be there.  Neither showed Diana any respect while she was alive.

  21. just one word. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no! Round and round goes Diana in her grave.

    And in response to kelly j's question - Charles was probably encouraged to marry Diana as she would obviously have produced the better looking offspring, which she did. Can you imagine what Wills and Harry would've looked like if Camilla had been their mother?!

  23. Absolutley not. It won't happen. They'll just say she's ill or attending another prior engagement.

  24. It would only be seen as hypocritical and unseemly. She was the other woman throughout the marriage of Charles and Diana. She showed no respect then.  Why now?!

    But it would NOT surprise me to find that she has the cheek to do it!!

  25. That would be an insult as she was the other women throughout her marriage to charles!! I think she should do the decent thing and stay away for once!! It would be more respectful!!!

  26. Surely that's up to the Princes and it's their choice that really matters.

  27. no nor should prince charles, after all he was only her ex husband, and he clearly didnt like the woman, so none of them should be there.

  28. Isn't Carmela a character from neighbours??

    Talking about Camilla I presume, yes I think she has every right to attend, to give support to her new(ish) husband and her two stepsons.  Why can't people just let bygones be bygones and give her a break...the past is the past and nothing can change that now.  Yes it's sad that Diana died but life goes on!!

  29. No. And neither should Camilla unless they invite her.

  30. no. she was not a good friend, to both of them, coz she was the reason , charles strayed, mybe i have my facts wrong, but no, she should not.

  31. no absolutly no,

         she was having the affair with charles and they knew that it was done for diana to give birth to a son heir to the throne,and then bunk her off. so no no no.

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