
Should Catholics abandon their Church like many are demanding Obama to do?

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Bill Maher says there's a double standard, he says:

If you leave a church when the head of the church says bad things about America, what do you do when your church hierarchy is caught up in a systematic and decades-long s*x abuse scandal? And did I mention the people being sexually abused were children? Hundreds of them?




  1. We don't abandon our religion, we just attend Church in another parish.  

    You cannot paint every Catholic priest with that smear

  2. Hah...hah...nice try but your boat don't float. And if you depend on Bill Maher for your stance/opinion you've already lost. Obama will NOT win. Get used to it.

  3. For Catholics, leaving the church means leaving the religion.  I haven't heard anyone suggest that Obama should do that.

    But, to be fair, if any Catholics attend services where a priest is teaching that those acts are acceptable, then YES!  I think those Catholics should seek a new parish, at least until the priest is no longer heading services there.

    Fair enough?

  4. So, hundreds of kids have been molested by priests.

    I believe it was a 2006 report to Congress that said over 4 million kids have been abused or molested within the public school systems across America since 1990!

    Should Democrats quit taking money from the Education Organizations and the Teacher's Unions for their campaigns?

    Should parents pull all their children out of the liberal public schools?

    Or, should the individuals responsible be swiftly prosecuted or removed from their positions? And just how is that going to happen if nobody reports it, or looks the other way when these kind of abuses occur?

    Is Obama just as guilty for looking the other way over his Pastor's comments, as a teacher would be if he knew that another teacher was abusing children for twenty years and failed to do anything about it?

    What would be the response if the teacher was caught, and the one who looked the other way simply said, "I didn't think it was any big deal because he was a friend, and we'd had some good times together. He had more seniority than me and higher standing in the school system. He was just like one of the family. In fact, my "Grandmother abused me" when I was a child!"

    Would people think this was acceptable?

  5. No one is asking obama to leave his faith.  I left my parish because of comments made by a priest but attended another parish, and I wasn't running for President.

    You are comparing apples and oranges.

  6. That is a great question with a great point !

  7. Just because you can point out something else that is wrong does not make this case right. Wrong is wrong where ever it occurs.

  8. you do not get it,no comparison.marxist racisim affects everyone not only children. nice try to cloud the issue......

  9. I'm pleased to know that Bill Maher realizes the double standard that many people refuse to acknowledge

  10. It's not about abandoning your faith, it's about not sitting in a pew listening to hatred spewing out of the mouth of one man. There are other ministers, preachers, and priests. Many of them are good, hard working, incredibly kind people and considering their chosen line of work, they should be. But you don't abandon your church or faith, you abandon the bad preacher or priest.

  11. Good question.  But wacko fundamentalists are even worse with their wide variety of preachers that said God is punishing America for its immorality, sending hurricanes, earthquakes and even 9/11.  Just check out those dumbasses like Jerry Falwell, John Hagee, Fred Phelps, etc.

  12. Catholics do not need to leave the Church, just a church whose priest got into s*x abuse scandal.

    Nobody asking Obama to leave Church, he must leave his church.

    Take as example Judaism. Judaism does not required to have "house of God".

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