I got my permit 4 months ago, and I am 15, so I just recently started driving. I know it probably only feels fast to me, but I think that 25 mph is a bit too fast for some residential areas-such as subdivisions or older dead end streets. I know that a speed limit is the limit to how fast you can go, but people will tend to go the speed limit, not under the speed limit-like they should in most places. I want the speed limit to be changed in subdivisions and similar areas to 20 mph, with a suggested speed of 15 mph. So the new sign would read "Speed Limit-20, Suggested Speed-15". I think that school zones should have even lower speed limits, and better ways to get people to follow that limit. 20 mph is too fast to make sudden stops for children. 10-15 mph would be fine. You shouldn't be in a rush in a school zone, safety first-not jobs first. And on the flip side, 25 mph is sometimes too slow in some residential areas. But, I still go 25 mph because it's the law. I'm not like many teenagers (even more so because I'm a guy), because many guy teens will whiz home from school, sometimes doing 40-45 in a 25 mph zone. What are your opinions on lowering residential speed limits and changing speed limits in other areas? Also, I think that lanes should be widened on busy town roads. 10-12 feet lanes is too narrow when traveling at over 40 mph. On the average car there is only about 2-3 feet of space between the car and the edge of the lane. I think lanes should be a minimum of 15 feet wide, even Interstate Highways which have 12 foot lanes should be widened to 15 feet. Opinions please.