
Should Chinese people stop drinking shark fin soup?

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Is it better to declare shark mating and proliferation zones a natural-reserve?

I am trying to create a contemporary dance choreography with this topic.

Thanks for your answer and advices. They will be very helpful.




  1. no, they shouldnt stop eating shart fin. They also eat other parts of the body too. If you like watching Sharks and Dophins mate, donate your money to Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, so they could spend it on vacations.

  2. I think so.  For animal rights.

  3. couldnt agree less, they will have to stop it now or then or when the shark population become nil


  5. It´s better than bird´s nest soup

  6. Wow all the V&V jumped on this one Including the peta and others

    I don't see how it is any of our businrss..

    It is not in our waters. and I know not many Americans have tried the soup..

    So it is nonsense..

    I do agree that to waste the shark for just the fins and disrespectfully toss the live carcas back is wrong..


    we do not know the true step by step procediue in this

    and I don't believe they waste any of the meat.


    Yahoo sucks,,, spell check don't work

  7. This is of course wishful thinking, a fantasy. Yes I still continue to enjoy Sharks Fin dishes like many Chinese do; and YES! I agree fully with you and wish what you wish becomes a reality. But it's ALL wishes until Kingdom Come... Japanese will always want their whales, Chinese their sharks fin.

  8. yes they shoud nto drink this stuff but they continue to do so and its going to cause a big rip in the way animals survive and if top predators leave it will be bad all around.

  9. Ya shark taste the same as any other fish and it's mean to kill a big creature like that. It's like killing a lion.

  10. I think a lot of people are disregarding the fact that things such as eating shark fin soup and tiger are an old part of Chinese life, and I highly doubt the people drinking it-mostly religiously and spiritually superficial elders-are purposely trying to drive some of our precious animals into extinction.  Most likely, they don't even realize what they are doing.

    The answer is yes, they should.  But not forcefully.  They should be educated on WHY they should stop.  You see, if you see a three year old take candy from a two year old, you can't simply just snatch the candy away and give it back, then give the three year old a nice spank, because they'll do it again.  You have to let them understand why they can't take the candy, why it's not theirs to take.

    Anyways, best of luck to you!  It sounds like an extremely interesting dance.  I'm a dancer, too, and I hope you tell your story well.

  11. Yes they should. They should also stop killing tigers for their meat. Don't they care that they are going extinct?

  12. To Emily C:

    SHAME ON YOU accusing the other chinese (of eating dogs) when it is the cantonese themselves who eat everything (which was the main cause leading to the outbreak of SARS). I've always find the people from HongKong having the higher-than-thou attitude to the mainland chinese. When it comes to consumption of exotic food, HongKong and Canton province is the worst of sinners. Instead of accusing others why don't you (especially rich people from HongKong) cut down on these consumption. After all without demand, there would not be any supply.

    Sorry for going offtopic. I sincerely believe that consumption of endangered wildlife should be stopped. But then again, as *erlish* had mentioned, while the consumption of caviar by the russian/europeans, tuna/endangered whales by the japanese goes on, I don't think the chinese will stop going for what they want

  13. They should definitely stop drinking shark fin soup right now.

    Not only is it unfair to hunt and kill the sharks, the fact is, after they have got the fin from a shark, they just leave it lying on the beach and bleed itself to death agonistically. Also, the number of sharks Chinese have been poaching is so tremendous that it has already caused a disturbance on the nature's biological food chain. And I just cannot understand why Chinese are so obsessed about shark fin soup, the shark fin itself has no taste, it absorbs the flavours of the stock. There are many more great Chinese cuisines to choose.

    In mainland China, people are still enjoying cuisine that require cruel and inhumane treatments to animals.I have seen pictures of those on a forum and I simply cannot keep my eyes on them for more than two seconds. Oh, and they still eat dogs, which is intolerable.

    By the way, I am actually from Hong Kong, so I am a Chinese too. It is illegal to kill dogs in Hong Kong, let alone eating, Hong Kongers simply cannot stand the idea of eating dogs or any other animals that nobody else eats, except mainlanders

  14. Yes, and they should stop raiding cave swift nests for soup. And they should stop raising and caging cats for stuffed animals. One of the most ancient and intelligent societies that has seemed to lost it's ways.

    If real change is your motivation,  then perhaps you can show the diparity of China's ancient nonviolent and intellectual society  and today's violent, insensitive society that eats and exploits nearly everything that moves.

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