
Should Christians learn some things from Islam, like the one showed in the details?

by  |  earlier

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things like this watch it all, it's worth it:




  1. It is called respect, without it there is no peace, so with that said, YOU christians think about what Jesus said about the children of God? The PEACE makers!  My son just did that the other day, only he got wadded up on the ground!

    A little laughter goes a long ways in a world of ids! Thanks for the smile!

    Do you know what? If God created everything, then he created Islam to, The rest of you sell him a little short of your intelligence? That intelligence is not of him! You keep trying to force a proselyte world ! Hmmm, force, might ? That tells me, you know nothing of Jesus! Or you would know what he said!

  2. Listen, I really hate it when people who ask questions wants the readers to see a video. I don't care who it is Amway, Christian, Muslim, atheist, or Mork and the moon worshipers.

    Explain your question and let it ride. You know use words.

    On to the next.

  3. If you can't be arsed to type out the main points, I can't be arsed to watch it.


  4. I read about Islam.  And I am not interested in learning from it.  No thank you.

  5. No.

  6. I am a christian and don't need  to learn details from Islam.

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