
Should Collingwood stop complaining about the umpires?

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I think Collingwood should get over it.




  1. That's not going to happen while Mickey is their coach.

    The thing with umpire decisions sometimes they are in your favour sometimes not  and no-one whinges when they are wrong but in your favour.

  2. Yes! All this week on 3AW and SEN Collingwood supporters ringing up complaining how hey were robbed! Get over it, in the final few minutes Jonathon Brown went form a mark and had his arms taken out, but did they pay that? :)

  3. it's probably that set of umpires that umpired the geelong v port game , you have to admit there are alot of bad calls these day's in all the games, something is going on

  4. whats done is done. complaining isnt gonna change anything. just get over it!

  5. im not a collingwood fan and even i thought they were robbed

    but i agree, they usually get pretty good treatment

    from the umpires

    besides, pies can relax: they got richmond this week!! haha

  6. No way - if that was the Tigers on Friday night I would have been ropable. If people dont complain, then nothing will happen.

  7. i dont think so, i think the players should be aloud to abuse the umpire but not use any bad language

  8. g'day slats,

    if malthouse whinges things are normal in the footy world. he doesn't seem to ever not whinge.

    in regards to that game, collingwood were almost 30 Pt's up, they had chances to score goals and missed easy shots in the last quarter, instead of blaming umpires, he should be worried about his players cracking in a pressure situation in my opinion, they should of held on to win, no excuses.

  9. collingwood and its fans get over it and its getting very annoying having to here thoes idoits collingwood complaining so get over it

  10. no

    if someone stole you basketball would you complain

  11. It's not only Collingwood that complains about the umpires... towards the end of last year and certainly into this year the umpires have changed a lot, there seems to be heaps of new umpires out there and a lot of them seem to be making more errors in judgement than ever. How many out-of-bounds have we seen that have been called in? free kicks for in the back that shouldn't be there? a lot... regardless of who's playing I think. The thing that makes us as fans a bit cranky about the umpiring, is when free kicks esp. are given inside the 50m and a goal results from it. All the tiggy touchwood, 50/50 and incorrect decisons they are making in this 'free kick' area needs to be looked at. Ball it up if it's a 50/50 inside the 50m arc, don't just hazard a guess at who was in the wrong if it is not clear... AFL is a contact sport, so I am not sure why it is getting so out of hand... anyway, if teams feel they get a rough deal by the umpires one week, hopefully the next week a few go their way, thats how it goes...

  12. dream on that will never happen so they had a few decisions go against them which team doesnt

    malthouse should be sanctioned by the afl for bringing the game into even more disrepute

  13. Its the 2nd round of the season and already Collingwood are causing drama.

    Lets see how the season pans out for them, then u can start whinging and make excuses up.

  14. im a collingwood fan and i think we can complain about the umps if we like.

    if it was your team getting free kicks against them in the dying stages of the match and you thought that the free kicks were unfair than i think you would be complaining to!

    HAHA nah i think we have to put that game behind us yeah the umps made a few harsh decisions but you have to move on cos there's no point holding a grudge.

  15. Simply, yes, in fact every team should stop whinging it's (bad decisions) going to happen to every team this year get over it and move on nothing to see here.

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