
Should Congress allow the mass surveillance of Americans?

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1. The Hoyer/Bush FISA deal allows for mass and untargeted surveillance of Americans’ communications.

2. The Hoyer/Bush FISA deal contains blanket immunity, virtually guaranteeing lawsuits against telecom companies will be dismissed.

Hopefully, you disagree w/ allowing the government to spy on its own citizens. If so, please see this site:




  1. Not if you believe in the Bill of Rights and believe in Civil Rights and Privacy, as well as individual freedom.

    Many Americans are appalled at the lengths that this administration has taken to weaken the rights of its people.

    Soon King George the Worst will be out of office and action will be taken by reasonable people to repeal the the so called security measures that have been forced on honest Americans.

  2. Hmmm, I thought he had congressional approval for all of that.  If he's so bad, why do the democrats in congress keep allowing it to go on?

  3. OUR bill of rights and the constitution is being attacked n breached more and more every minute that passes by!!! what is happining to our beloved country?

  4. Any government needs to keep track of its citizens to curtain a mass murderer with only certain branches being able to oversee within a certain system of checks and balances.

  5. Try to look on the bright side: The unavoidable consequence of this bureaucratic siege mentality will be a fabulous opportunity for free market enterprise to invent new kinds of electronic "secret ink". However If they also make it illegal to use proxy hosts (ie anonymous communication) that would really be interesting.

  6. did you used to work for castro. to answer your question, i won't waste my time. i'd get more enjoyment in the can reading a good book.

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