
Should Congress be made pay for their own pork?

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Are you tired of picking up the tab for every cockamammy scheme the idiots in

Washington dream up? What can you as a citizen do to bring it to a screeching halt?




  1. They are feeding that pork back into their districts because that is how many of the constituents in their districts view the job. I prefer the solution put forth by the comedian Jackie Mason. Get rid of Congressional salaries and put them on a commission system. They would each get a small cut of whatever budget reductions they could enact. Legislative lipo-suction!

  2. Hello r b

    someday God willing.

    term limits for all elected officials.

    definitely would help

    till then...

    vote for fiscal conservatives

    make lots of  money

    and live well.

    plz pic mine for bst answr


    u r sweet if u do.

  3. The pork must be removed from Congress but placed with the Budget Department.  All the Congress should do is to identify projects in  their areas and request for the budget instead of allowing them to have discretion in the spending of the pork.

  4. Congress would just order the printing of more money, further devaluing the dollar. I don't think you will ever eliminate it but a new system is needed.

    A couple of examples:

    Only one per congressman (the most populous states would get more projects).

    Each congressman could have a budget assigned equal to the some proportion of the taxes their district pays in. (Trouble there: the rich just get richer.)

    Pork could only be added to bills that are on the same subject. (How would some studies being funded on the mating habits of butterflies ever get funding?)

    Finally, the line item veto should be usable but there should be an ability for the congress to override the President with a 2/3 majority.

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