
Should Continental Tyres change their brand in South Africa?

by Guest65256  |  earlier

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Continental is a German company as you know, in South Africa people call them Conti's as ZXCV pointed out. Should continental change their brand name as some people might find it offensive or do you think Conti's is not a swear word?




  1. What does contis mean?

  2. No, but they should possibly consider promoting the purchase of more than one conti at a time to avoid any confusion, perhaps it could become a great marketing gimmick.........

    "Two for the price of one" or a catch phrase along those lines, what South African man could resist such a special?

    I'll leave it to the professional marketing consultants though.......

  3. If they do that, they might as well change the Afrikaans word for box too. lol

    Cakes, take Conti, take away the 'i' and put in a 'u' in the place of the 'o' and you have the english version of the word.

  4. Lol, Cakes is hilarious. It is only offensive when it is used in a offensive manner or sentence!! In the case of Conti's beeing a swear word or not, I say yes and no.

    Have a nice day!

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