
Should Crisis Pregnancy Centers be government funded?

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and if so, should they be pushing adoption only? I understand that they will not offer assistance unless the mother surrenders to adoption.




  1. I volunteered for a year at a crisis pregnancy center and all of the options were presented neutrally to clients. While there was a religious theme running through the center nobody (that I am aware of ) were convinced to give their children up for adoption. Most often the women kept the children, which was awesome to see, and we helped them out with parenting classes and other services where they could get free diapers and gently used clothes, and stuff.

    I still don't think they should be government funded, though :)

  2. In my opinion, if it's government funded, they shouldn't push anything. They should offer emotional support and a have a wide range of knowledge and educational tools at hand. Of course, if it's privately funded and operated, they can push an agenda all they want - it's up to them.

  3. If the government funds these centers, and the centers present adoption as their main "solution," then essentially the government is presenting adoption as its main "solution."  The government should not be supporting an agenda in these matters.  It needs to remain neutral.  Not funding the centers is one way of maintaining neutrality.

  4. h**l NO!!!!

    I don't want my tax dollars to go toward ripping families apart and filling their political agenda.

    I would much rather my money go toward keeping families together and providing SAFE, LEGAL health care to women who REALLY need it, not rich infertile couples who only want a "cute little baby" at the cost of a family

  5. No they should not.  They only present the adoption option to young mothers.  If they take federal funds, they should offer options on all choices.  They don't need to necessary be able to perform abortions but they should have information on them. CPCs are connected to adoption agencies all around the country.  They already get about $200,000,000 per year from the federal government. Planned Parenthood provides other services except abortions.  Pregnancy tests, contraception, sexual education, open adoptions and other essential family planning information.  

  6. NO!

    It reminds me of the Magdalene Laundry Asylums that were finally closed in "1996" minus the slave labor.    

    There should be more planned parenthood facilities and religious nuts need to stay away from confused pregnant teens.

  7. We have a government funded Birth Control Centre here and it is an amazing place. Free BC of all kinds, free STI testing, free referrals to adoption agencies and abortion clinics, free gynecological exams and referrals to gynecological oncologists if your PAP comes back showing changes. They offer counseling of all kinds free of charge and in all area's of reproductive and mental health. I LOVE our BC Centre. I think what we really need are more agencies like this. NOT more agencies who's main goal is to promote adoption. We need to INFORM people of their reproductive rights, not strip them to provide the childless of the world with bay-bees.  

  8. I think they are fine the way there are. Yes, they need more funding but they offer plenty of services for women which I personally am thankful for.

    Women have the right to make an informed decision and the work that the Crisis Pregnancy Centers do is brilliant for those who need it.

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