
Should David Davis return to his job as shadow home secretary?

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'David Cameron has praised David Davis for his by-election victory but is refusing to say whether he will offer him another frontline role.'




  1. While at the time, I thought his decision a little foolhardy, David Davis had shown himself to be one of the few Members of Parliament with principles upon which he is prepared to stake his personal credibility.

    Cameron is a Wet, prepared to say whatever he thinks is popular at the time so I would like to see him replaced as leader by David Davis.

    Cameron must be in a dilemma as to whether he should bring back David Davis. I think he will follow LBJ's sentiment about J Edgar Hoover - better to have him inside the tent, pi55ing out than outside the tent pi55ing in.

  2. In my opinion Davis should replace Cameron as leader.

    Cameron is the sort of prat who will say anything to please you.

    Davis is a man who says what he means whether you like it or not. He's the man we need to face Brown, not Cameron.

  3. I don't see why not. Someone stupid/lucky enough to pull a publicity stunt like that and get away with it should be stupid/lucky enough to be SHADOW Home Sec. It's not like they are letting him loose with the real job is it?

    At least not this side of the next general election.

  4. NO too right wing

  5. Well, he's made his point about the 42 days limit. But he may be seen now as a bit of a maverick and not reliable enough to be in the shadow cabinet.

    He would be a popular choice - I'll give him that - but it all depends on what Cameron thinks. It's his decision in the end.

  6. The whole saga has been a propaganda for the Tories,esp Davis.I live in Humberside and there wasn't a chance of anyone else winning,it's true blue country Haltemprice.Here is this pillock wanting capital punishment,and voted for 28 days lockup without charge,workfare for council tenants and this hypocrite is talking about human rights,he and his party make me sick!

  7. I do feel what he did was a wasted exercise but he is too good a politician to be excluded from the cabinet.

  8. No!

  9. no! after what he did,regarding the terror law,if the tories were to get into power, he would be a friend of the terrorist!

  10. Nah.  He didn't consult with his leader before pulling this stunt which could have so easily backfired.

    All he has done is wasted tax payers money by forcing an unnecessary by-election.  IMHO he shouldn't have even been allowed to stand..

  11. Yes.  Compare him with Jaqui "Spliff" - no contest.

  12. No

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