
Should Detroit just be flushed?

by  |  earlier

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Detroit has also been in a downward spiral in recent years, ravaged by a declining population, high unemployment, failing schools, and a housing market saddled with thousands of abandoned homes and stores and a high rate of crime.

It ranked as the poorest big city in the United States, according to 2007 census data, with 34 percent of its population living below the poverty level.

You think they'll let a talented h****y come in and clean the mess up or will it be another hip hop Mayor?




  1. Hey, they just put the current mayor out of that job & will be sentencing him to 4 months in the county lockup.  He really should've been given 15 years for assault & perjury charges, but he plea bargained it down to restitution, not running for office for 5 years, the 4 months in jail, & surrender of his law license.

    So yeah, the job is or will be open for anyone who wants it.

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