
Should d**k(head) Pratt be sent to jail and have a cell mate called Bubba to get aqainted with.?

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John Elliot, d**k Prat, John Nichols, Wayne Johnstone, etc have all been Carlton blokes, Why are they not scrutenised by the media more, and how many beers did rom boy have between friday lunchtime and 2.30 am today.?

I know they are bad questions fork but i have a hangover, that would kill 10 men.

GO TIGERS. and get well soon Graeme p***k.




  1. Nah don't send him to jail just lock him up in a cardboard box somewhere with his mates. Jail would prove to much for his sensitive homophobic nature.

  2. this a rhetorical question?

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  4. I thought the Stomper had been very quiet on here ... now we know why!  Couldn't get the fricken mouse to stay still on the mouse pad log enufk to long on ey?

    Answer:  They are Carlton - there's a jail cell waiting for each of them.

  5. Yes! And throw Martha Stewart in there too! I'm sure the three of them will enjoy making doilies for the local inmates.

  6. I don't know.

    What have they done? I've obviously missed something!

  7. yeah duh thats y carlton r so enept. they full of cheats , liars and frauds and the players will turn into their club better get out before.

  8. Nah id think the tigers should recruit him to solve the problems they have down at tiger land money wise and success on the field wise as success  seems to follow old Dicky Pratt who's worth a lazy 5 billion,he held 1 fundraiser last year and pocketed a cool mil for the might blue baggers,who cares if he charged more for cardboard boxes -the Government screws us little folk all the time and no one cares or whinges as much as Ive heard people carry on about d**k Pratt.

  9. Answer me this one.  Why did the AFL crawl over WCE because of their "bad culture", but the latest in the series of appalling Carlton situations gets over-looked yet again.  Talk about bringing the game into disprepute.  

    Double standards?

  10. Yeah I agree, Pratt is a cheat.

  11. Yeah definately that Carlton scumbag should rot away, you forgot dorotich as well romper

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