
Should Eire ( S. Ireland, be allowed to become British again as it had been, if the majority voted that way?

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The north of Ireland we know is British as they want to remain Briish but should the South decide now they want to return to their British status, should they be allowed?

I know many will say its unlikely they will want to return but the question is not about this. Its should they be allowed to, if they did wish to.




  1. An MP made a proposal in House of Commons recently along the lines of inviting the Republic of Ireland (cos that is our name) to rejoin the Commonwealth.

    What a joke

    Yiz didn't give a toss 10 years ago.But now we're the 3rd richest country in the world yiz want a piece of the action

    If we were to have a referendum the wording should be.......

    "Do you think WHEN h**l FREEZES OVER" we should rejoin the Commonwealth"

    Guarantee that 99% would vote YES

    Maybe one day if you ask nicely we might allow YOU to become Irish. LOL

  2. I  doubt if the people of Southern Ireland would ever, return to Britain.

    as most of the people in Southern Ireland, are Catholics, and throughout History, the catholics suffered at the hands of the British. physically & mentally. i could write an essay about this, but wont.

    regarding a vote, this would never happen, because not of only History. at the moment Ireland is doing very well, its improving its interstruture, through its roads, Transport, most of the money from this comes form the EU.

    if ireland did want to become part of Britain, their pensioners would be worth off, as in ireland the irish pension is more, and the irish pensioners, i believe get free transport once the're over 65, and thier unemployment "dole" is more, its about £112 per week,  compared to our £59.15 pw

  3. Not all people in the north of Ireland want to stay British, but they are aware the are better of financially (less personal tax to pay, generally everything is cheaper, except petrol) If the north was to much of a drain on the British government then i say they would cut them loose at the moment that's not the case.

    I doubt the south would like to return to the British status, as Ireland stands alone we have a strong economy.unless we got the perks of less tax.

  4. not all the people in northern ireland want to stay under british rule so get your facts straight before you go ranting, trying to get peoples backs up

  5. I think your just trying to get in peoples faces, your asking for trouble and I dont think you will get the answer your looking for. Ireland have a history they will never forget.

  6. A referendum would happen the same day someone found rocking horse s**t.

    As ian paisley would say NEVER.

    Your question is flawed as the senario you are proposing can never occur.

    We would rather blow the country to bits than let the british government have a say in our day to day rulings.

    Maybe the british should become irish and let ireland direct rule the island of britan after all we did give them economic advice. They came cap in hand looking for advice from us a few years ago.

  7. Why on earth would the people of Eire want to become part

    of UK again when they fought so hard and long to become

    their own nation  -  extremely silly question.

    Northern Ireland is a different kettle of fish.

  8. I have lived in the Island of Ireland all my life and i do not know of a place called southern Ireland, there is a Northern Ireland and a Republic of Ireland but not South Ireland.

    I wonder if this guy knows that the so called south of Ireland has the Highest Northerly point in the Island of Ireland

  9. "In 1171, King Henry II of England invaded Ireland, using the 1155 Bull Laudabiliter issued to him by then English Pope Adrian IV to claim sovereignty over the island, and forced the Cambro-Norman warlords and some of the Gaelic Irish kings to accept him as their overlord."

    In all honesty I don't see the Republic EVER holding a referendum in favour of this action. Yes they should be allowed to if they want, but who is going to vote yes? It's a democracy so anything is possible! It was 'British' by force (and plantations), not by will of the people. You need 51% to vote yes but with the amount of Catholics in the Republic I don't see anything change in the foreseeable millennium!

    Edit: It's funny how the people who say that Ireland will not join Britain get thumbs down! My answer is addressing the question, yet I  and everyone else gets thumbs down! Were are governed by a democracy so it could happen!

  10. The answer to your question is obviously yes.  If the majority in the Republic wanted to become British again then the government of Ireland would have to hold a referendum.

    But the chances of that are zero.  Why would we want to become part of Britain again??? At the moment we have a much higher GDP than Britain, better living and working conditions, more people in third level education (plus its free), better social welfare benefits, less crime, less debt, less tax, better and stronger currency, little chance of being attacked by muslim extremists etc etc etc.

    When Britain occupied the Republic they did an awful job of governing it.  HALF THE POPULATION of the country either died or emmigrated under their watch between 1840 and 1850 due to famine.  Under british rule, Ireland was the only country in Europe not to experience the Industrial Revolution (keep the people stupid, keep them weak, keep them quiet).

    As for who occupied Ireland before the Irish; well this island has been occupied for nearly 10,000 years by the indigenous population (well before humans arrived in england), there are examples of this in Mount Sandel plus Newgrange in Co Meath which is the oldest building in the world dating back nearly 6,000 years

    The British occupied this land in their quest for world dominance just as the Romans, the Greeks, n***s did in the past and the americans are currently doing.  None of them succeeded, revolution within that occupied country (be it bloody or bloodless will always triumph imo)

  11. LOL, I think this would rest with Britain to decide, rather than with us. If h**l ever froze over and the Republic voted that they wanted to be under British rule again, we would find it quite hard to achieve that unless Britain actually wanted it that way, which I very much doubt. I am sure they would be only too willing to give Northern Ireland back as it is by far the most economically poor area of Ireland, and is quite a drain on British resources.

    But well done for looking at it from this hilarious perspective. I never quite thought of it that way.

  12. This proves without a shadow of a doubt that yes, there are dumb questions.  I doubt very much that the native Irish would wish to succumb to British rule.  Interestingly enough, it is quite likely that in the not to distant future, the gerrymandered northern province will vote to join Eire.  The 85% majority you mentioned was a very long time ago.  You see, The natives will soon outnumber the Brit Sympathisers, we simply breed more.  additionally, the standard of living in Eire is one of the best in Europe, making it an attractive option

    Oh Yeah, Right On Lone Wolf and Pub!

  13. It is not called southern Ireland. The offical name is THE REPUBLIC OF IRELAND. I am living in the republic of Ireland, but I was born in the UK so I am part of the UK. The republic of Ireland is a free state country.

  14. )))))))))))))))))NO WAY((((((((((((((((((

  15. the north is an occupied country , the south is what remains a free state , would other occupied countries want to be ruled by britain( the occupiing force) ie... usa  .. india ... africa .. i dont think so

  16. There is something strangely familiar about the concept of an Irish people wishing to rejoin UK and become part thereof.

    No, on the whole, I think the people of Eire wish to remain very much as they are, free of British domination.  The Irish fought a successful Revolution against British rule, so there's no turning back.

    May just as well ask the Americans, would you like to rejoin UK and oh, by the way, you'll be glad to know HM King Geo III is now thankfully dead and we've got rid of tea tax back in 1977 two hundred years after you all stopped paying it.

    There!  Satisfied?

  17. i am extremerly upset with this question...the REPUBLIC of Ireland will NEVER become british......EVER......first of all they take our language and as a 17 yr old i went to a gaeltacht (an irish speaking college) during this summer to help me improve my Irish. Which i should not have to do because Irish should be my first language......its sickening.......

    any irish person would not WANT to return to british.......they destroyed many family homes and killed many innocent people...they shouldnt even have the north of Ireland....i dont see any connecting piece of land from the north to Britain...therefore the north should not be british in the first place....

    (i am sorry but i get very heated about a discussion like this..)

    and any british person out there no hard feelings cause i know you personally didnt do it..... well you lknow what i mean...

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