
Should English be the primary language of the U.S.? Why? or Why not?

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In my current problem issues and events class at my highschool there is a debate about this. my team is doing the negatitve side to the debate.




  1. if it is not the primary it should be the primary working language of the US . In New Brunswick canada you must be able to speak and write french to do work in english. you figure.don't go the Canadian way we are losing skill workers and jobs because minority runs the majority . the job skill is not in work but langauge

  2. Yes it should. I would guess almost every country has an official language. Ours should be english as it is most prevalent and widely used. Besides, I don't need my taxes raised so that the street signs can be changed to spanish or chinese.  

  3. Yes, it should. But everything is being taken over by the spanish. PRess 1 for english, Press 2 for spanish.

    What about all the other languages. What number do I hit for Czechoslovakian?

  4. As an englishman im actually quite suprised you guys still speak english. I dont know one american who refers to themselves as english american. No shortage of irish, italian and african americans.

    Seems people dont want to acknowledge their heritage as being english. But you are still willing to keep chatting away in the langauge of the country that you kicked out.  

  5. It already is.. But assuming you mean the "official" language?? Sure, why not? Not like anything would change if it were, and I'd be more on the side that it should than the opposite..

  6. This is America, we speak english here, I'm getting sick and tired of hearing "for english press 1, for spanish press 2"!

  7. Yes it should. It is the language this country was founded on and the language that's been spoken ever sense.

  8. of course ENGLISH should be the primary language. ENGLISH has always been so it should continue to be.

  9. English is the official language of the U.S... the one and only..  

    there is other languages such as spanish but they are not official at all, however is an option to speak it, as you can see when you call customer service gives you the option english or spanish...  

  10. well it already is.english is the main language so why change it?and 123, they have spanish because thats the second most used language here.and plus, dad presses two.

  11. English is the primary language (at least right now).  Should it be the official language, yes.  I think Spanish and Chinese should be learned also, due to the current situation in our country and economy.

  12. For that, the yanks must learn it first

  13. There are a multitude of reasons why it should be. Many are emotionally driven such as our heritage & origination. But there are practical considerations as well. Ease of communication among people in their work & daily lives and technical & research endeavors. A common language forges a solid bond among a nations people.

  14. English is an international language.  The US debated whether German should be its national language in the 18th century but decided on English.

    It may be that in the 21st century, America could decided to adopt Spanish as its first language though I suspect It won't happen.

  15. Would you like to leave them all speechless?  Here is your answer:

    The Latin roots for the word "Diverse" -- Dis-, Apart + vertere, to turn.

    Those who preach diversity are actually then, preaching that we tear apart our union,: These United States.

    Teddy Roosevelt once quipped that "it's the hyphenation that is going to tear us apart."  

    We were once a melting pot.  People from all walks of life came here, learned the language and assimilated into one culture, while never giving up completely their own culture.  Now, we are required to make amends for them and they in turn do not have to learn our ways or our language.  "Press one for English..."

    Yes, English MUST be the "official" language.

  16. English is the primary language, however with the prevalence of Spanish and variations on Mandarin in a few decades we will have a hybrid language comprised of the three.

  17. i  think  so  this  is  America  majority  speaks  English  why change  it  for  all  the  foreigners coming  here  they  need to  learn  the  language  first  english

  18. Yes. The British founded this nation. Therefore, they got to select the language that is spoken here. English wasn't the language where my ancestors came from, but we didn't found America either, so we learned English.

  19. Hi Chuck! How's the Kung Fu these days?Well you americans speak an English that is  different to mine,and I speak British English.I see no reason for you to change your primary language.Everybody in the world learns english.It is the predominant language throughout our world.

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