
Should Fevola be captain or Judd Of good Ol' CARLTON?

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Should Fevola be captain or Judd Of good Ol' CARLTON?




  1. Well Fev would have got it 2006 if he didnt get into trouble in Ireland

    nd i thought Stevens should've got it this year but

    Judds doiin a great jobb

    So lets just stay with Juddy for now

  2. Well whose been there the longest??? and I have always liked Fevola.  Maybe Co-Captains???  Seems strange that a player is in a new team 5 minutes and is suddently Captain (even if he is a brilliant player).

  3. stevens should of got the job

  4. Judd, was a great choice, Fevs only a great forward.

  5. Judd, nothings broke don't fix it, keep Fevola as the HIT MAN

  6. Fevola has great potential to be Captain of Carlton one day,BUT he really needs to let a little ego go first.

    Such a shame.

    Judd is and should remain Captain till then.

  7. No.

    But who cares?

  8. yer fevola should be captain judds a has been

  9. nah, i think fevola should be captain. hes doing a lot more than what Judd is doing. although Judd is starting to pick up his game a bit.

  10. Judd

  11. Chris Judd and its good now coz he is gettin to full fitness so he will be better.

    Fev no way as captain coz he cheated on his wife with lara bingle and many other things have happened with him

  12. Just because Fev kicks 7 goals, doesnt make him Captain material.

    His off-field antics clearly show that he is irresponsible and a bad role model for the young players.

    Judd is perfect for the job ;)

  13. You can be the best player in Australian and not be captain material - Fevola is neither, Judd has potential to be both.

    Carlton's present predicament came from their tendency to cave in to the demands of skilled players without thinking of the club.

    The best :LEADER by example they have is Judd, give him a free rein for this season and see if he can pick up the club.

  14. Judd for sure, which he is

  15. judd for sure.

    fev is still an idiot and a liar, he was out on the grog the week after he said he wouldn't be again this season, fact, its not made up, i know it for a fact.

  16. NICK STEVENS! im a collingwood supporter and that's stupid how Judd cums 2 the club and first yr captain. i mean wtf

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