
Should Gary Glitter and other Paedophiles be treated for a psychological disorder ? ?

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It is conceivable that with his unhealthy interest in child p**n pictures and his Nationality: the Vietnamese did not give him a fair hearing as he says. He is not the First or the last person who will be found to become hooked on this unhealthy and wicked affliction. Can this not be treated by a Psychologist?




  1. Can think of something a lot better for him and requires a blunt impliment used on a part of his body

  2. Should Gary Glitter and other Paedophiles be treated for a psychological disorder ? ?

    No, these people have chosen, like murderers, rapists and drug dealers to follow the path that every other decent person fights and detests. If they make that choice they are fully aware like we all are, of the of the concequences. There is no psychological disorder, they like doing it and their mental attitude is that they will do it as long as they can get away with it, and like the thief they will do it again after they get out, simply they don't care, never will.

    Its A Choice.

    In this day and age in the modern world (and we're not allowed to hang them) they should get total and utter separation from the rest of the world, for the whole of their miserable lives. Let the psychologists play with them if they want, but don't let them back out into our largely decent society.

  3. No it can't. For example a man who loves women's b*****s will always love women's b*****s and a man who wants little kids will always want little kids. I would torture them then hang them cos they are disgusting. My mates dad abused her when she was 7 then when he was arrested he said she wanted it. She was only a kid and he got 3 years for what he did and was out within 18 months. She moved away met a really nice man, got married and had a baby which social services took off her saying she might abuse the kid like her dad had done to her. So now she is being punished for something that was never her fault. That's British Justice for you, punish the victim and let the poor abuser do what he wants.

  4. Best way to cure them of this disgusting addiction is to connect them to the national grid.

  5. You could argue that all criminal activity represents a psychological disorder.  We do not know the facts in the Gary Glitter case - just the hype.  Different standards apply in different cultures so we cannot always judge events in every territory by our own standards.  Behaviour categorised as 'paedophilia'  covers a broad spectrum from the abuse of power over infants through underage s*x with consenting adolescents to the possession of pictures.  That seems too broad a spectrum for any one solution to be appropriate in all cases.

    I don't condone the abuse of power over another human being in any circumstances, whether that person is a child or an adult.  That is part of the reason I cannot condone the suggestions of some people who have answered ahead of me.  We have to show that we are better than that, not sink to the mentality of a pack of dogs at the kill.

    I believe it is better to make laws wisely and to endorse the non-discriminatory application of those laws as a way of curbing the unacceptable behaviour of a small part of the population. Part of the remedy could be psychological therapy of some sort, whatever the crime - child abuse, wife abuse, mugging, benefit fraud, drink driving, car tax evasion etc. The orderly rule of law is part of what being civilised is all about.

  6. They shouldn`t be treated for anything. Just TERMINATED!

  7. They should be treated for gun shot wounds....Maybe.

  8. Yes I think they should. Their brain tells them that it is okay to get with flaming 12 year olds! There must be something wrong there.  

  9. Lets kit them all out in battle fatigues and send them to play with the Taiban - without proper equipment. We could drop them out of the aeroplane without a parachute.Then we would see how brave these worthless vermin really are.... sigh  wishful thinking..

    If "people" like Gadd/Glitter have so much money,they can be made to pay for all the extra policing that follows their notoriety.

    but first we could inject him/them with anthrax..  what a nice long lingering death...  no more drain on our resorces. bye bye in about 6 weeks....

  10. they are treated in the UK when they are in jail or hospital wing

    But some still get out and do it again

  11. Take them all out to sea,and make them walk the plank....Fish Food !

  12. He was done for rape, when an old man has intercourse with two CHILDREN that's rape. He certainly was`nt done just because of his   liking for pictures of innocent children being defiled. He faced death in Vietnam, but he bought his way out. There is no known cure for Paedophilia, so the answer in all countries should be lethal injection. Pass the needle!

  13. we should just shoot them  

  14. It's not an 'affliction' it's perverted, deviant, abusive behaviour. Personally I consider paedophiles to be incapable of rehabilitation and believe they should be executed.

  15. Yes.  Paedophilia is not a crime; it is a state of mind, and I will fight to prevent a precedent being set where our thoughts can be subject to criminal proceedings.  The important thing is that they remain thoughts and are not translated into criminal behaviour.

    The job of making sure that happens is the psychologist.

    If any thoughts, be they the perversions of the paedophile or the frankly psychotic utterings of many folk here, become threats to society, then the correct response is a sectioning under the Mental Health Act.

    Can this be treated?  Not without more proper research on the subject, carried out dispassionately by scientists testing each remedy until they find one that works and is ethical.  

    The clue lies in the word paedophilia.  It means love of children.  If they love children, then they should be the last people on earth to want to harm them in any way. There must be plenty enough evidence to support the idea that even the mildest premature sexual activity causes harm either then or in later life.  Where is it?  Assertions are not good enough.  Scientists require evidence to lay down when challenged by the paedophile.

    Once the case has been established then that will then create sexual frustrations which also need to be sorted out, employing psychological techniques to divert attention towards consenting adults and away from children.

    The ultimate aim (and I do not know if this is feasible under current understanding, law and the public hysteria on the subject) is to translate all paedophilic thoughts into serving children, enhancing their happiness and welfare and ability to handle all situations confidently, and all sexual thoughts are dismissed from the mind towards them, and substituted by healthy sexual relationships with consenting adults.

    In the case of Glitter, if he can manage to get teenagers to put down their knives and take up rock and roll, and find a nice oriental girlfriend in her 20s or 30s who will teach him that he can get all the love he needs from her and never again from an 11-year-old, then maybe there is hope even there for him to reform his life.  He cannot do it alone though - the psychologist will have to show him the way.

    Of course until he has safely arrived at this destination, he should and will be treated with considerable suspicion by society.

    Now why don't I just join in the mob and advocate castration?  Maybe it is because I do believe that every sinner has the right to be offered redemption, to turn a negative into a positive before they die.  If it can happen to St Paul, it can happen to Gary Glitter.  But I am also aware that practising Christians are very much in a minority in my country.

    Now thumbs down everybody!

  16. Leave them to it

    After we've chopped their bollocks off

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