
Should Gary Glitter be killed? or does he deserve a second chance?

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The Press are demanding "justice" and are spending a lot of time on their favourite subject- paedophilia. Some have suggested, that Gary will soon be killed , and that this lynch mob mentaility is being built up by the press.

Should Gary be killed? or should he be tortured? or is he now a free man who sshould have the chance to receive therapy, or to reform and start a new life? what do you think? I am, admittedly, quite undecided without really knowing the facts




  1. I would implement the death penalty for repeat offender paedophiles

  2. I have little tolerance for a child molester.

    But I'm against capital punishment.

    So - I think he should be made to swim from Thailand to England.

    If he makes it, then leave him alone.

  3. i agree, swim to thailand, if he makes it, leave him alone, if he doesnt juatice served!!thats a great answer!!! i vote that to be best answer!!!

  4. Gary Glitter has been refused entry to four countries and has been ordered to return to the UK. To avoid the UK Gary Glitter jumped from the plane, but don't worry he was later found bobbing up and down on a buoy

  5. For the most part,the answers are even sicker than Gary Glitter has been made out to be.He has always denied any wrongdoing.He was however,charged,tried,convicted and served the sentence.Now there is a witch hunt,with ill informed people baying for his blood and saying that he should be castrated,tortured and killed.Just what is wrong with you people.Did you scream for the blood of the white,plastic black man who spent fifteen million dollars buying off just one boy that he had molested and unknown amounts of money buying off the other boys that he had molested.He then spent more millions,buying the services of the top criminal lawyers in america,to defend himself against further charges of molesting young boys.His fans scream with joy at the airports on seeing him.All those calling for the torture and death of Gary Glitter should be ashamed of themselves.Even if he had committed the crime,he has paid for it not just with the prison sentence but also the money.I am not a Gary Glitter fan and never have been.

  6. Am operation  A knobofamy    

  7. As long as i dont see him again.. i dont really care because if someone does something like that then they deserve whatever punishment given... but a death sentence should only be given In extreme terms..e.g saddam hussein..

  8. I'm in favour of a world prison that is responsible for paedophiles, s*x offenders et al. The UN could fund the prison. All the paedophiles of the world would be gaoled there and confined to their cell. The prisoners could have: a sink (water) with soap, toilet, a shower, a list of books and newspapers that they could request et cetera. There are many other options that could be explored by those who run the prison. Above all, if a paedophile were free, then they could do untold damage to their victim, or victims, even one who is high profile; the press have a short interest level.


    In my opinion paedophiles should never be released from prison; their potential victims are too vulnerable.

  9. Killing is never right

    Whether he deserves a second chance depends on whether he is truly sorry for what he has done, has had a change of heart and wants to try & make up for it.

    If not then he must be kept away from normal people

  10. No not killed, people need to get things into perspective.

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