
Should Gas be Rationed for guzzling SUVs and Pickups?

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Gas guzzling SUVs and Pickups greatly demand for gas and oil in the US which raise gas prices.

So should we ration gas for SUV and pickup owners?




  1. I'll vote for that.  Where do I sign?

    Good Luck...

  2. Gas should only be rationed for you, but I'm guessing it already is.  You sound like a broke Obama supporter.

  3. Rationed??  The owners of these wastefull vehicles are allready rationing them by not using them as much, trading them in at a loss or junking them....  I sell used cars and several folks have purchased Hondas from me because they cant afford to drive there SUV or truck..  They still own them but are now using the civics or corollas to commute to work and are leaving the beasts in the driveway....

  4. The market sets the price for fuel, which is dictated by supply and demand. Demand for the most part is artificial and determined by how much oil OPEC or domestic sources decide to produce.SUV drivers already pay a huge price to drive the vehicles they have, and if you have bought into the notion that that H2 next to you is responsible for your high fuel price then you are a gullible person that deserves to pay even more than you already do for your fuel.

    What kind of communist world do you live in to think you can dictate who should get fuel and who should not, and how much?

  5. If you're going to do this, then why not ration cars like Corvettes & other sporty types?  They're on the road just as much & should be punished.  Why not reward scooters like Vespas which are mainstays in Italy & get good mileage.  And don't forget punishing RVs.  Hope you picked up my sarcasm.

  6. There are some who need the SUVs and Pickups do to thier jobs or where they live.  If a SUV is a life line for a family living where in msny cases a suv is needed to get to buy food or to a hosptil and some dies becasue thye had no gas how would that play in the news for those who supported it.  I do think as sonn as they are on the market the goverment should help families who need those SUVs  just to get whwere they need to be get the hybred conversion kits.

  7. No, I think we ought to make the gas companies release the gas they have stock piled. I read that there is over 500 years worth of gas saved. For what?!! In another 50 years or less we will have found a different way to travel. Why save it? The future generations won't need it.

  8. That's not what raises gas prices.. do your research.

    Should we charge ignorant people like you higher taxes??

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