
Should g*y Adoption be allowed?

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Should a child in need be able to get TLC from someone who will allow?. Should the child be able to choose if they want a homosexual parent or not? Expectually if they are hard-to-place childern




  1. anyone who can provide a loving home and can meet a child's needs should be allowed to adopt children. Just because they are "g*y" dont mean they cant provide a loving caring home with food and all the nessaties (sp?) for a child

  2. Yes i think g**s should be able to adopt children.

    And i think if the child is old enough they should be able to choose who they want for there parents.

    We have so many kids who desperately need care and love and a home to call there own, its a shame the government doesnt work faster and harder to get these kids into permanent homes.

    I watched a show about this a while back. There was a g*y couple (men) who were both nurses, they had fosterd children with aids for 15 years. When one of the children they were looking after got cured from the aids (which is extremely rare but does happen with young children), the state took him away because all of a sudden the g*y men were not good enough because he was healthy. I think thats dispicable, love is love is love no matter what color or religon or sexual orientation.

  3. I totally think g*y adoption should be allowed! For whatever reason, our society seems to make such a big deal out of this and I don't get it. Why should children be sheltered from reality? And, why should they discriminate against adoptive parents.....g*y or straight? I think that if the couple has the money to support the child and the couple is able to provide a stable environment and lots of love, the child is going to be a-ok.

    I was adopted when I was three months old. I was adopted by a white couple and I am biracial. This isn't totally the same as being adopted by a g*y couple, but there are "differences" so-to-speak. But regardless, from the inside looking out, I love my parents and my brothers and that was it. I didn't sit there and dissect where I came from, who my parents were, etc. I was loved and accepted and to me, that's all that matters. With those two aspects being taken care of, I didn't have any further questions. I was happy, in a good environment/home, and I had a bright future ahead of me because of my family.

    Also, I don't know if any of you have watched the Rosie O'Donnell documentary, where she takes a cruise ship with g*y couples (strictly g*y) and these couples all have children. It's a Disney cruise, I believe, and they film this week long ( I forget the time period) adventure. Do you think these kids were running around worrying because their mother or father was in a g*y relationship/marriage? PLEASE......they had a ball! And, personally, some of these children were much more mature than many of their peers. You all should check it out. I think they show it on HBO.

  4. Yes it should be allowed.

  5. of course they should, love is love...

  6. I believe that g*y couples should be able to adopt children, but then again I believe they should be able to marry as well.  Love is love.  g*y parents are just as capable of loving and caring for an adopted children as straight couples.

  7. It's my son's 8th birthday today.  He was placed for adoption almost 2 years ago, and I miss him loads.  He was adopted by a male g*y couple, and he has a fantastic life, as far as I'm aware.  He, settled in school, top 5 in every subject, in spite of his behavioural problems (he has semantic pragmatic disorder, which is a form of autism).  Much as I miss him, I know he has a happy life and is very much loved by his Daddy and Pop.  My consolation is that he may have 2 dads in his life, but he'll only ever have 1 mum - me!  I have no problem with his adoptive parents' sexuality, as their love for my son transcends all that.

  8. YES... i think that as long  as you can provide a home and stuff for them... then i think anyone should beable to adopt a child....

  9. yes parent love the child

  10. From the kids in my area, I really do not believe that they would turn down a forever family just because the parents are of the same s*x.  Both men and women can take care of children...who am I to say that two women or two men can't take care of children...I am all for it!

  11. i think that as long as theres a loving home where they will be provided what they need, and will have a good life emotionaly and finacially then anyone should be allowed to adopt. i think that no kid would turn down a loving home because thier parents are of the same s*x. men can take care of children just as good as women.

  12. Yes!

  13. well i think it should be allowed. Some couples cant have there own kids so why not adopt. I think it's great the couple is getting a child while the child is getting  a loving home and parents

  14. Biological children don't get to choose their parents so why would someone being adopted get to choose?  I think if they are going to be placed in a loving home and be taken care of they wouldn't care if the parents are g*y.  The only thing that matters is that they are loved and protected.

  15. It true that everyone wants to be loved but a child should not be allowed to choose if they want a homosexual parent beacause the child might grow up confused and every child should have a mother and a father.

  16. no it should not be allowed because the child wouldn't grow up thinking the right way it might come out to be emotionally desturb or something like that i think its not right

  17. I guarantee you hands down a child who is desperate for a parent is not going to care if that parent is g*y or not. They want to be loved and a child does not have the same prejudice that adults have. It has not been taught to them yet.

  18. If a child is old enough to express their ideas of the family they imagine and would feel happy to live in--then they should have every right to say what they want in a family... Hard to place or not....

    The parents are given the right to say yes or no the whole way and a child old enough to have an oppinion should be respected....

  19. Anyone who can provide a happy loving stable healthy home for a child should be allowed to adopt them if they wish.

  20. Of course it should be allowed.  I'm also fine with older children having a say in their placement and permanence.  

    There is nothing to suggest in the studies that children raised by g*y couples have any more problems than children raised by straight couples.  g*y people wanting to adopt have to go through the same screening process that straight people do and to suggest that their sexual orientation is reason for them to be rejected is silly.  I think there is still ignorance at play here, some people still believe, on some level, that g*y people will be more inclined to molest children.  Anyone who has done any research knows that most child molesters are NOT g*y!  Ignorance and bigotry are tough to combat, unfortunately.

  21. anyone who can provide a loving home and can meet a child's needs should be allowed to have children.

  22. g*y people can love and care for a child just the same as the next parent or parent to be...I really don't see why some ppl look down on this....yes there are other issues that arise...but that can be worked neigbor is g*y...and I can say...she and her partner are very good with the kids and love them with all they have....

  23. I think it should be allowed.  I don't see the issue.  

    "Should the child be able to choose if they want a homosexual parent or not?"

    Excuse me?  Ok...should a child be able to choose whether they want an abusive parent or not?  An alchoholic?  drug user?  Should they choose whether a divorce should happen?  Whether the parent should die or not?

    Do I sound logical?....well, neither do you...

  24. There is nothing wrong with a homosexual couple adopting a child, especially if the child is considered hard-to-place. However, I do believe the child should have some input in the decision. You don't know if the child has been partially raised in an anti-g*y atmosphere.

  25. I do not think a persons sexual orientation... barring pedophilia...of course. Should even be a consideration! parenting and love is unconditional. from a mom or a dad...

  26. Of course g*y couples should be allowed to adopt

    Anyone who can provide and stable and loving home for a child should be allowed to adopt

  27. Hey, I wouldn't have minded getting adopted by a g*y couple! I'm sure a loving homosexual couple would have been a great alternative to some of the straight couples that I was with in foster care.

    As long as they meet the same requirements as other people, why not?

  28. Definitely. I know a g*y man who has adopted a brother and sister. He is an amazing dad and they love him to bits. I don't believe a persons sexual orientation should be a problem, especially in this day and age. He is able to give them stability and care for their individual needs (which are very demanding). I take my hat off to him!

  29. Absolutely. Straight or g*y doesn't matter when raising a child. If the child is old enough, they should have a say in what home they are placed in. Love is love, that never changes. If two people are willing to take a child into thier home, love them, raise them, provide for them emotionally and financially, then it doesn't matter if it's a man and a woman, a man and a man or a woman and a woman.

    My cousin and his husband have two adopted children who are very dear members of our family. I myself was adopted, however to a straight couple. Any child should be hapy to be in a home where they will be loved and cared for their entire lives. Doesn't matter if you cry out for Dad and Daddy or Mom and Dad or Mom and Mummy

  30. I've placed children with g*y parents.  I didn't get to pick my straight parents.....the biological children of the g*y man didn't get to pick their parent...but because most of my children are over the age of 10, their feelings are always considered.  At the age of 14, the child has to sign and agree to be adopted.

    I did an adoption last year.  This g*y couple took a child that no one would try with....gradually out of a residential treatment center. The child is now off most meds (except something to sleep at night), the honor roll in mainstream school (with some catch up tutoring in math), and seldom wets the bed anymore.  

    He no longer strikes out at people because he feels safe and loved.  He knows that neither one of his daddies would ever harm him and would die before allowing anyone to harm him.  A child over 3, with moderate mental health needs, of mixed race found a loving home.....these are the most difficult for me to place...everyone wants the babies.

    So tell me...would this child have been better off left in a basically a mental home with no one helping him reach his potential than with two loving and caring parents who happen to be g*y.

    Being g*y or L*****n does not mean you are a pedophile or a means your sexual orientation is toward people of your same s*x...they are no more a risk than I am to young boys because I am a straight female.

    However, hard to place children deserve the same consideration as easily placed children.  I don't skip on a child just because there are issues.....I turn people away if I have concerns.  I would also have no problem with a g*y parent adopting a normal, healthy, infant.

  31. No... g**s should NOT be allowed to adopt. I think its wrong and mean to the kid...what if the kid doesn't want to go to a g*y? I think if it is allowed for g**s to adopt that kids should be allowed to pick if they want to go to a g*y or not.

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