
Should George Bush donate all of his money to the died U.S. soldier’s families as a way of saying thank you?

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Should George Bush donate all of his money to the died U.S. soldier’s families as a way of saying thank you?




  1. Nope, Should Bill Clinton?

  2. No......

    This is a very stupid question.

  3. Why don't you set the example?

    In fact have you donated One Penny yourself to any of the charities that support the troops?

    Or are you just a typical liberal hypocrite?

  4. no this is a very stupid question people arent forced to go to the army so its not any other persons fault except the terrorist and the soldiers

  5. No , but he should be brought up on charges for war crimes or impeachment , for lying to the American People

  6. In case you don't understand exactly who it is that owes a tremendous debt of gratitude to U.S. soldiers and their families, I will explain it to you.

    Every single American citizen owes their lives to these brave men and women.  We all owe them, not just our president.  What service have you performed lately to help them?  What money have you donated?

  7. Should Barrack Obama donate all his money to lazy people since he wants to give all our money to them? Obama loves to tell us how we shoudl sacrafice and give up a piece of the pie but he only gives away 1% of his income. His wife loves to tell people not to get corporate jbos and pursue money even though she did and makes 300k a year. Pretty hypocritical to me.

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