
Should George Harrison be Knighted?

by Guest61944  |  earlier

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I just saw the Bangladesh concert he organized in 1971. Awesome effort. First of its kind. To the best of my knoledge, he was never bestowed the honor. BTW, John and Paul never showed for the concert. Just Bob Dylan, Ringo, and a bunch of top rate session musicians.




  1. well... Paul was for some reason...

  2. Before that happens, he must first answer the troll correctly, and successfully cross the dreaded 'Bridge of Death'!

  3. It seems moot since he passed away, but he should have been awarded some honor due to that charity work.

  4. A knighthood can't be awarded posthumously.

  5. Even if it were possible, I se no reason why he should be. The MBE he was awarded was more than enough.

  6. Unfortunately, a person can only be knighted whilst alive, this honour is not given posthumously.

  7. It would have been well deserved at the time, but to be honest, what would be the point posthumously?

  8. You do realise he's dead, don't you?

  9. And just how would Her Maj knight him?  It wouldn't be any good, would it, seeing as he's dead

  10. It has already been established this year that knighthoods can only be awarded during one's lifetime, not posthumously. There were calls for a knighthood for Bob Paisley, and the answer was no, since he is dead.

  11. I dont think George Harrison would have seen it as quite the honour you do.

  12. If the Queen can award a knighthood posthumously then yes.  He contributed a lot to the music scene.

  13. Yes definitely he should, and Ringo.

  14. Yes he should! He,s such a nice chap and his songs are very nice. Someone has just told me that he may be dead, do you know if this may be true?

  15. Knighthood is an antiquated british custom that frankly means nothing to the world except some british citizens

  16. He's dead

  17. Eh, no he's dead !

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