
Should Georgia just give Russia the dang territories in exchange for peace and relief?

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Let them be Russia's problem, Abkhasia will want independence eventually, let them fight Russia for it. Soon Russia will have the territories in lock and will further move into Georgia threatening the people, the country, the pipeline, and my people and my country and our part of the pipeline. Right now Georgia is in a good place to trade up the territories for peace, Saakashvili needs to accept that he lost them. Agree or not?




  1. Just give Russia the territory in exchange for peace and harmony. If ya cant win the war, just give up. Stupid people.

  2. You cannot give away what you dont have.

    There is nothing left to give that Russia has not already been in position to settle already.  As far as South Ossetia and Abkhazia are concerned, the facts on the ground have already established what is and what isnt.

    Whatever the US, Georgia, or the "Intl" community thinks about Georgian territorial integrity, those two provinces are no longer Georgian to give away.  Saakashvili is irrelevant as far as that goes.

    I agree with you though that Georgia should accept an agreement of peace with Russia before they get entirely overun.  They wont though because America will not let them go. This was a Russian lesson to its neighbors.  Poland and Ukraine are about to learn ones themselves once winter comes more gas and oil for them.

    Azerbaijan should keep America and NATO far from it.  The Caspian and central Asia are a Russian, Iranian, and maybe even Chinese sphere of influence and it would be a mistake for your country to forget it.  The Russians will not take over your pipeline no matter what though, but it will make it useless by capturing the Georgian end.

    Since you are not friends with Armenia you are forced to deal with the problems in Georgia.  

  3. First of all the tard shouldn't have attacked those two territories. Russia of course was not going to stand for it just like the USA wouldn't stand for it if someone bombed PR.

    Now we have a bunch of tard leaders, mainly GOP trying to stir up scare tactics about the big bad evil Russians. Give me a break. Russia is in the right bottom line.

    Russia will get the territories one way or the other so it really doesn't matter.

  4. Russia's going to get them whether Saakashvili agrees or not.

    Whatever sympathy I might have had for him at first has completely evaporated in the face of him continuing to bluster on at the expense of the rest of the world.

    I suspect that he has become such an irritant to Russia that they won't rest until he's gone.

    Saakashvili has destroyed US-Russian relations with his idiocy. He forgot about Russia! How can you forget the former superpower on your northern border? And Bush keeps backing him up--he doesn't realize that the incompetence that's been proven is more damaging than the incompetence that's suspected. The Israelis are laughing at us. The Israelis!

    I would be glad to see Saakashvili gone.

  5. Should have the UK given up Northern Ireland years ago and backed down in the face of American funded terrorism???

  6. Saakashvili does not have any other choice

  7. Yes. They are just being stupid and causing problems between the US and Russia.

  8. h**l no, let them fight for it.

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