
Should Germany and Austria be united?

by Guest66030  |  earlier

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Should Germany and Austria be united?




  1. I don't think so. Yes they speak the same language, but I don't think that they should unit them. I think that they should just stay Germany, and Austria. But that's just my personal opinion. =)

  2. They have completely different Histories, sure they speak the some language.  Look up German Empire/Otto Von Bismarck and then Austrian/Hapsburg Empire, you'll get a better feeling why they aren't together.

  3. Both are socialist/far left...........why not?

  4. Well, as to language, I rather think Bavaria (where I'm from) should unite with Austria, as at least the southern Part of Bavaria speaks a dialect similar to Austrian. But: Only similar, not at all the same. And the southern dialect is hard to understand for the northerners, and vice versa. Where the correct German word for "this year" would be "dieses Jahr", we southerners say "heuer", and what we call a "Knödel" (dumpling) is a "Kloß" in the north. So unification would bring about language problems we don't need; but I suppose it could be fun to have Austrians in the "Bundestag", the German parliament.

    But since we have the EU and there are no more borders in effect, it has become as easy to drive from my home place down south to Austria like to the neighbor village, so why should we join countries if we're all states of the European Union? I have some friends in Austria and I like their special style. And if they sometimes call me a "Piefke" (derogatory Austrian word for a German, originally meaning a Prussian) and I call them "Ösi" or worse, we both know that that's fun.

    Musically, Austria and Bavaria united in the 1980s. There were many singers/songwriters from Austria who became famous in Bavaria, and many Bavarians who became famous in Austria, because they sung in the local dialect, and that could be understood in both countries, but NOT in the rest of Germany. Still I found people in Berlin listening to Konstantin Wecker (Bavaria), Rainhard Fendrich (Austria), or Haindling (Bavaria). Just to name a few. [You can check these out on YouTube if you like.]

    So we're matteroffactly already united. What more could we wish?

  5. Ahm... there was a time when Germany and Austria were "united", so to speak, and just to remind you: It wasn't exctly the time period that Germany is loved very much for. And just because we speak the same language does not mean we should be united. That's like uniting Canada and the US just because they are neighboring states and (mostly) speak the same language (not talking about Quebec here).

    And anyway: WHY should they be united?

  6. Why? They have totally separate histories and such?

    Having a common language does that mean Switzerland should be divided among the nations it speaks?

    I believe they should stay as they are, that is just My opinion though.

  7. It might be interesting to note that Germany and Austria were united in 1938 by the ballot box.It was called Anschluss and was perfectly legal.In 1945 the Allied Powers separated Germany and Austria by force of arms.Since unification was accomplished by an election and separation was done at bayonet point,which is legitimate and which is not?

  8. There's already an united Europe with independent countries!

  9. On what grounds? Just because they speak the same language? So you'd want to unite the US, Great Britain and Australia as well?

    I think Germany and Austria are different countries with different histories and to unite them would be be just as arbitrary as uniting Spain and France or Poland and Germany or whatever.

    All the European nations are getting closer together and restrictions when crossing borders in Europe have been lifted over the past years, but I don't see why two countries should be merged.

  10. what for ?

    we are both part of europe, thats enough !

  11. Why not?

    Well Austria and Bayer (BAVARIAN) have more o less the same cultural background.

    But the Austrian and North-Germany cultures and way of thinking are totaly different.

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