
Should Global Warming be considered a religion?

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Believers of this are following this based primarily on junk science, and faith. Man cant know what man has done to the environment when we only have barely 120 years (and less-depending on what monitoring device) of records.

We know that the earth has fluctuated in temperature since the beginning of time, as ice ages have come, and gone. So why don't we examine this responsibly, instead of overreacting, and acting like a bunch of chicken littles'?

Question 2. We are making laws based on the idea of Global Warming. In my belief this should be illegal.

If this is in fact a religion, as I believe it is, then why would this not fall under the laws of seperation of church, and state?




  1. "Junk science" is anything a non-scientist doesn't understand.

    Global warming is NOT faith-based.  It's based on quantifiable data and knowledge.  What's religion based on?  NOTHING!  So tell me, why are we subsidizing it, contrary to church-state separation? Hmm??

  2. No more so than Reaganomics -- Ebonics with Dollars.

    I do not support Republican morality or ideology, yet NeoCons have discovered they can impose their viewpoints by borrowing. Fine, but tax the devil out of their supporters so we can all decide if there is any religion in divorced presidents and their decision making.

  3. It shows signs of a cult more than a religion, if you dare question it you are censored and considered a heretic.

  4. Very true, in the 80's pollution was thought to cause global cooling. Overall we should let the scientists work this out not the actors or the media, and time is needed to correctly determine if we contribute or not.

  5. i spit on you.

  6. In my opinion the entire scientific community is nothing more than a religion, possibly a cult.  They disguise themselves under big words, loads of education (indoctrination), and tell us "you dont understand, you little peons.....let us handle it".    And the world's population stands in awe and reverence.

    They promote evolution which is about as far fetched as you can get with a tenacity that makes Mormons look wimpy.    And as stated by another poster, if you dare question it or doubt it, the fangs and claws come out immediately (which should tell people something).

    Modern science is an instrument to force humanistic values and morals on the populace, in order to give human governments more validity and authority.  They make it all either esoteric, or take you on a roller coaster ride of logic that leaves your head spinning.  It all does sound good when you listen to them, but when you get away from them (if you can before they have you brainwashed), you are left with not much more than you came with.

  7. It's based on scientific research & data. It's not 'junk science'

    On a lighter note (but a little off track) A funny thing in Australia ~ When people fill out the census forms, when asked what religion people follow, a lot of people, as a joke have begun writing 'Jedi Knight' down.

    I have heard a rumour that the authorities are warning people if they do this that they could be fined...Reason being, if a certain number of people (don't know exact figures) put this down on their census form, then legally, it has to be acknowledged as a bona-fida religion.....I thought this was very funny when I heard about it.

  8. It's more like a cult I think. They worship Al Gore.

  9. should be considered an economic problem

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