
Should Great Britian enter a football team for the 2012 olympics?

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Should Great Britian enter a football team for the 2012 olympics?




  1. there's no should , it's gonna happen, I don't get ye jocks, particularly the Rangers fans, Brits when u want to be then Scots , if you don't like been associated with a British football you could always do what we did and kick the english outa ur so called country.

  2. Just let them enter an all english side most of them couldn't tell the difference between a british and english flag anyway due simply to stupidity!

    In all reality yes if they agree to proportional representation why not it works for the lions in rugby and can only be a good for the youngsters anyway and the Olympics is only half as corrupt as FIFA

    I'll just add to my point sending any young person english or no to the olimpics with a chance at winning a medel should transend all bitter rivalries and polotics and dont care what other people think we should be bigger than this by now If you want to be away from the union leave that till polotics asking our young folk to stay away from the olimpics because of an ancient rivalry is stupid and shameful

  3. I would like to say yes but I doubt it will happen as the players wouldn't be allowed to be away from their domestic clubs so long.Some clubs have enough trouble agreeing to let players off for one international game never mind being away for 2-3 weeks.I know with it being in London the chances are they can probably still play for their club and be in the olympic team but I can't see everyone agreeing to it unfortunately.

  4. yes of course  

  5. The Olympics aren't Important enough.

    Benny what a bawbag you are.

  6. ya def

  7. I don't really care to be honest, I'm not interested in the Olympics, some of the structures in Olympics are messed up, IE Boxing is for amateurs only! Football for undrer 23s etc, although maybe I would be interested if it happens, maybe if Ireland also field a team it could become more interesting.......

    I may have a couple of my facts wrong but as I said the olympics dont interest me.

    I think they should only field a Scottish team if they can also field and English a Welsh team but that aint gona happen is it?  Also, what would happen with Ireland, would we have a United Ireland team like we have with Rugby?

  8. yes

  9. No I would never support a GB football team at the Olympics because I support England and England only!

  10. In a nutshell no...

    They'd be too much contraversy over english players compared to the other nations.

  11. naw

  12. benny does have a valid point there though..apart from kicking me out of Scotland of course...but would most prefer a british football team or a scottish one?

  13. Best idea is for Scotland, Wales, NI and england should have a tournament with the winner representing gb in 2012.

  14. yes i think they should although i dont know how there gonna go about picking the team or the manager, maybe they will pick so many players from england, wales, scotland & n.ireland which means our team wont be the strongest.

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