
Should Greg Bird be BANNED from the NRL?

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I do! remeber Tavita Latu who punched that 18yr old in the face?? he got banned so i think bird should too!

Violence is not good on or off the feild.




  1. He's going to be found guilty.  With all of the facts that we have had over the last few days it isn't hard to read that he committed the crime.  from what has happened with him being refused bail, saying it was his mate I would strongly say he is stuffed.  If my mate glassed my partner then they would've needed to stretchers, one for her and one for him.  Greg Bird isn't a small man so to say that he couldn't handle himself is out of the question.  He would've lost the plot if some k**b glassed his partner and thats all I need to prove to myself that he indeed committed this crime.  Hence the reason only his partner went away in an ambulance!!! Thow himin jail to get humped by some big dirty guys and then he'd realise what a poof he really is for hitting a lady!!!!

  2. yes,

    this is ****

    people start bagging out sonny for something way less worse than this and he is made into some villian for sticking up for himself

    who caresa aboiut him leave him alone

    take your anger out on this tool

    he is a wanka ban him for life

  3. Bird is denying the charges, so he should be stood down pending the results of the trial.

    Now if he is found guilty, he should be banned forever - remember Raider Todd Carney has been sacked and banned from next year for peeing on someone.

      If he is found not guilty, it depends on the manner in which he is found not guilty.  If the evidence clearly shows he is not guilty - and someone else is subsquently charged with the offence - then he should be instantly reinstated.  If his case is one of those ones where everyone knows he is guilty but he gets off on a clever defence or a technicality, then he should be sacked and banned.

    Now as for being suspended at the moment and being sacked regardless of the outcome, I can see the Shark's side.  No matter whether he did it or not, a woman was still severely assaulted with a glass IN HIS APPARTMENT!  Has he brought the game into serious disrepute? Absolutely.  The Sharks as well.  Normal people don't have serious assaults in their home, and its not good enough for Bird to either.

  4. If Bird is found guilty of glassing his girlfriend, then yes, i think he should receive a life ban from the NRL.  The game is already in a shambles and doesn't need to be seen condoning this kind of behaviour.

    Look at Todd Carney, he copped the sack and suspension from the NRL for p1ssing on someone.  Glassing someone is WAY worse that that offense.

    I'm pretty sure their contracts have get-out clauses specifying the club has a right to sack you if you bring the game into disrepute.  It doesn't qualify as disrepute anymore than glassing your girlfriend and trying to get your mate to cop the blame.

  5. yes! and he's even a dirty player on the field like gallen. so yeah, i totally agree a ban for life.

  6. If the allegations against him are founded, then good riddens.

    I think the Cronulla Sharks organisation can take note of the way the Canberra Raiders handled the situation involving Todd Carney.

    For the good of the Club and the game, they should cut BIRD loose.  I'm sure the NRL will support the Club in doing so.  In fact the NRL may take the matter out of the Clubs hands if they don't act accordingly.

    The Raiders made a bold move with Carney when they cut him loose.  The Sharks are in a much stronger position to cut BIRD loose as they have a strong playing Roster.

    BIRD has alot of previous indiscretions with his behaviour, how many second chances can one bloke get.

    It's time to go.....................BIRD

  7. This bird should be winged!!!

  8. if found guilty they should use him as an example and lock him up for a while. glassing has been in the headlines allot lately and the courts should throw the book at him(if found guilty). if the allegations are true he should never be aloud to put an nrl jersey on again!!!!!!!

  9. Of course.. he should be subject to the same rules as the rest of us. If we violently assaulted a women we would be in some serious shizer!!!

    Personally i think all glassings should be treated as attempted murder. You are very lucky to come away from being glassed with your eyeball intact! Not to mention the dis-figuration that is possible..

    Make an example of Bird for societies sake.

  10. Dont hang him out to dry till the case is decided.  If he is guilty, yeah ban him from the game.  Sorry thing about all this though is that mud sticks whether you threw it or not

  11. he tried to blame his mate! well he obviously isnt his mate anymore..but seriously what a dog act..ship him off to prison

  12. Yeah and banned from pubs as well. He is such a nut-job!

  13. Bird should b locked up in a cage 4  a while

  14. For sure....If the court finds him guilty.

  15. Latu admitted his guilt and Cronulla canned him. This is the difference. Bird is saying it wasn't him so this case will be going to trial. Until the trial has been concluded we shouldn't be trying to preempt it by judging him first.

    If he is found guilty, then throw him in the slammer and throw away the key. But under our legal system, he is innocent until proved otherwise.

    An interesting aside is that if (and this is a big if) he is innocent the club has already said that he is finished there. What about the sanctity of contract then,

  16. It's 20 years if any pedestrian was comitted for this crime,but its just another nrl player.

    If the sharks dont help him out,im sure mundine will,

    he did it for sonny.

    And blame it on his mate i would be doing more than glassing him,

    what a purse.

  17. If he is proven guilty then any club that takes him will not have any sponsors left so there will be no need to ban him because no one will take him, if he is found guilty and my club was to take him then I would start watching AFL. Basically, if guilty then he is screwed

  18. According the media he tried to blame a mate for it.  He should be banned - he's got previous form for this kind of stuff.  He needs to grow up & be accountable for his actions.  It's spineless trying to get someone else to take the rap 'cause your too gutless to take responsibility.

  19. Gaol Bird should be sacked

  20. Lets hope so !

  21. If he is guilty which going on what i have read (wether you believe the papers or not is up to you)he is he should be locked up for a few months like anyone else that does such a thing.

  22. I think that the NRL should wait and see what the courts decide.

  23. Interesting question. I fully understand your feelings on the matter and from what I've seen on telly I got the impression that David Gallup had already came out and said that if he is found guilty then he would receive a life time ban from the NRL. Like you I'm also disgusted with his actions and if found guilty I would expect he should get a prison sentence of at least a few months. But, I also believe in the Justice system and the principle that a person found guilty of a crime should only be punished once for that crime and that, that punishment should be determined by the court. It seems to me that if the NRL were to place a life time ban on him that, that would be a case of being punished twice for the same crime. I mean, for the average Joe Blow if your convicted of a crime the court imposes a sentence on you and that's the end of it, ie if he was a plumber or a truck driver and he was found guilty he would be punished by the court ( presumably prison ) but when he served his time he would still be able to earn a living practising his profession as a plumber or truck driver. And, of course if the NRL ban him they are depriving him of his livelihood thereby imposing a second punishment on him. And, much as we might be appalled by his actions is that fair or just ?? Mind you I suppose there is a fair chance that no NRL club would want to sign him anyway given the negative publicity it would bring to that club. But in that scenario no one could argue that a club hasn't the right to choose who they want to sign up or in this case not sign up.

  24. Of course he should be banned but the sharks,nswrl and the nrl have been protecting this scumbag since he first came into grade football.

    kneeing  people in the head when they are on the ground, king hitting people are all in bird's repetoire.

    i think you will find these 3 organisations will do whatever they can to keep him out of jail and keep him playing nrl.

    they are all as weak as bird himself.

    i can hear all their excuses already.Poor greg bird. he's got problems.

    we need to help and support him.

    he's got problems alright. the thing between his ears is as big as his pee heart.  thats his problem.

    i hope their sponsors drop them like a hot potato and if they have any integrity they will.

    might give them the kick up the **** they need.

    as for old mate below that says league players are the same as plumbers what a joke.Nrl players are invited to sign a contract to enable them to play in the nrl. It is a privelidge not a right to play in the Nrl. if a player goes against his contract and brings the game into disrepute he should be arseholed.

    if they can't or don't read the contract that is their stupid fault.

    What people seem to forget is for every one of these idiots that tarnish the game there is 100 good kids waiting for a shot.

    bring on the new stars and get rid of imbiciles like greg bird.

  25. I think the Sharks are gonna sack him, from what I've been hearing.

    Then it's just a matter of time to see if the NRL will de-register him.

  26. No way! it is irrelivent what is his occupation. I am a sales rep if I was to do the sam thing would I loose my job? NOT AT ALL. Just because he is in the spotlight does not mean he should loose his job. What difference does his assosciation with the Sharks to the criminal charge?I dont think what he did is right buy anymeans but he shouldn't be punished anymore than a regular Joe just because he plays footy.

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