
Should Harry be pulled out of Afghanistan?

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The kid obviously wants to fight for his country, he'll be the last to wantt o be sent home - should he be pulled out, or should he just be treated like any other member of the British army?




  1. If he wants to play soldiers then let him. He shouldn't get any special treatment if that's the career he has chosen.

  2. Why? he's supposed to be in the army isn't he?

  3. Shows that he's made of better stuff than any of the politicians' sons, I haven't noticed Euan Blair going out to fight for his country, even though his dad got us into this mess in the first place!

  4. The kid is not a kid he is a man.  A Prince at that.  As a man he has a right to make his own choice in life.  Being a member of the Royal Family makes no real difference in respect to he's decision.  On the other hand, Princes for about the last 1500 years have fought with the armed forces and I see no reason why he should be any different.  Yes he may get killed, nevermind eh.  He may get captured, oh well, we will just have to pay the ramsom ( just like we have for about the last 1500 years).  Good luck to His Royal Highness, I wish him well.

  5. Prince Harry has been wanting to go over and fight ever since the war has started. Finally his grandmother, who happens to be the Queen of England gave him the "o.k" to go over there. He has been over there for quite sometime now. The media has gotten wind of it and they are starting some sort of "controversy" over the whole thing.

    In the interview with a broadcaster and Harry, he said that the only thing he misses about home is hamburgers and being able to have a drink on occasion. He sounds like every other soldier I know. LOL. He also reported that he likes being in Afghanistan b/c everyone treats him like a normal person. The boy has gotten everything in the world that he has ever dreamed of so why drag him home now from something that he has been wanting to do and has been doing for some time now?  

    He is a grown man and can make his own decisions. If the Queen says its okay then its okay.

  6. I think Harry should stay in Afghanistan and do his duty.  He choose the military life so he should honor his committment.  Besides there is a tradition of  the males in the British royal family serving in the military and fighting in the wars.  Prince Philip in WWII and Prince Andrew in the Falkland War. Even Prince Charles served in the Navy as well.

  7. Last I heard he was already on his way home. BTW: Not buying the whole thing anyway. The news story I saw was so staged it was ridiculous.

    Edit: Seems like I ruffled a few royal feathers.

  8. The presence of Harry there will strike fear and trembling into the hearts of the Taliban - pull out our most effective weapon? Surely not.

    If it keeps him away from groping girls in nigthtclubs, and shooting any birds and animals he can find - keep him there I say!

  9. He should stay..he loves what he is doing out there and i think its good.....they should let him be and keep doin what hes doin

  10. No, he is just a human like all the rest of us, if he wants to fight for his country then good for him.

  11. Even though he's a member of the British royal family, I think this is a dilemma that can only be answered by one person in the world at this moment: his dad, by virtue of being his father.

    Let's see what he has to say about this.

  12. All credit to the lad for serving for Grannie and country, and I'm sure the experience will serve him well, but now that the Taliban know he is there, he will be an obvious propaganda target and will now be a liabilityn to his men.

    Time to come home good boy, you've nothing else to prove, and a credit to the Royal family not like some.

  13. no he should be allowed to fight he is a soldier

  14. I'm ambivalent about whether he should be pulled out of Afghanistan or not, maybe just moved to another area.

    What angers me is the  total irresponsibility of the American and other press reporting the fact that he is in Afghanistan.  The British press has known of this for months, but have had the common sense to keep silent.

    Do they have a vendetta against the British Royals, so much so that they want to put a member of the family at considerable risk?

    Harry has the right to serve with his regiment, he also has the right to remain an anonymous member of his regiment whilst serving.

  15. With all the publicity,,the Royals have had these last few months,,,,Diana,,,,,,, I think Harry going to war,,,puts them in a good light But i think now Harry will be coming home ,,,

  16. pull him out, good kid but doesnt understand the scum hes fighting

    oh and the differance historically is a bunch of murderous rag heads never dropped a pipe bomb on his ancestors for keeping the peace

  17. I think it depends on the intelligence that has been leaked.

    If Harry and his company are in a certain area (as I think the papers have leaked) you just know that the enemy will target that area and it would be safer to pull him out and maybe send him back later if he wanted and without the papers and public knowing about it.

    I think that its great that he wants to fight for his country and earn his medal like all the other brave lads out there!!!

  18. Leave him and let him fight

    Nobody dragged me out in my 15 years of service in The Army

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