
Should Her Majesty The Queen also consider stripping two of her grandsons of their titles for war crimes?

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Iraq is an illegal war and participation in war crimes makes you a war criminal I'm afraid to say




  1. why what war crimes have they done.

  2. Whatever for? They haven't committed any war crimes.

  3. What sort of a question is that, you spanner?.

    They have not commited any crime, and the war has not been proven illegal in a court of law thus your question is irrelevant. Go back inside your mudhut and eat some maize.

  4. what war crimes?

  5. no

  6. Ah look the queen means nothing. She has less power than Michael Meacher. Look there are plenty of war criminals about real ones so let's start with them first and finish off with the Royals for killing Diana.

  7. God bless em all.

  8. They only have pretend medals from granny anyway.   Hardly likely either of them would dare go into danger - and do not pretend that the red faced one was ever facing the enemy let alone the balding one will ever see action. Ghastly spawn from ghastly parents.

  9. Silly person.

    You saying it's an illegal war carries about as much weight as an anorexic supermodel.

    And even if you were right, a soldier in a war is not culpable for the action unless he does something which is illegal in war.

    Back in your box, doc.

  10. Serving your country is not a crime

  11. They're serving the Queen and the UK. So no, they should be honoured, but no different to other soldiers.

  12. It has never been proved in court that it is an illegal war, because Tony Blair claims he acted on Intelligence recieved in the countrys best interest. By the way, none of the Princes have been on active service in Iraq.

  13. That is a disgraceful comment to make. Either you are not british? Don't understand the war? Or not very intelligent.

    William and Harry both went to war to fight as part of their career, not because they instigated it. You should be mad at the war, I agree but take it out on the government not the boys doing their job. All our troops deserve praise for their work and we should mourn the loss of all those who have fallen and be angry at Labour for being Bush's lapdog.

    Sorry comments like this make me mad.


    Soldiers do not have a choice in being posted to Iraq. You tell your boss you are not doing something that you have been told to do, they are only following orders like you would you would at work.

  14. when you say grandsons, i assume you mean Harry and William. No, I don't think they should be stripped of their titles for war crimes, as all they are doing is serving their country. No, I'm not pro-royal, in fact, I can't stand any of them. And I don't agree with the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan, but Harry and William haven't committed any war crimes.


    So if participating in an illegal war makes you a war criminal, does that mean the whole british army should be brought to justice? all 100,000 (ish) of them? The army is there to serve and protect the whole country. That includes you my friend, assuming that you're British. Without them, we would all be fooked.FACT. like I said, I don't agree with the war in Iraq, but blame the government, not the soldiers.

  15. Blair is guilty of illegally invading a country to achieve regime change.  He should be put on trial for this.  He was PM and the buck stopped with him.

    Thank God I wasn't born into our Royal Family - imagine being born into a job and not being able to choose.. . . and finally when you are nearing retirement age you realise that some people 'can't stand you' and don't want you for the job anyway!

    I suppose there will be some who would prefer to have Neil Kinnock and Glynis living in Buckingham Palace, stuffing their faces and acting important - even Johnny Prescott!

  16. I served in the armed forces went to war in 1982 i didn't join to go to war only for a career .

    You must remember its the politicians that make wars and its the poor armed soldier that has to fight it as for these war been wrong your opinion is is yours don't slate the military for having to do what they are told

  17. Don't you dare touch those nice looking and dishy gentlemen (Diana's Sons) if that's who you mean; Is it not the Politicians with their dimwit and ignorance dragged everyone and everything to war? they are only doing what they are told.  Really the ones to charge for war crimes are the politicians who would not dare send their own children to war but to swiss finishing school or some crazy detox place like Betty Ford Clinic instead of making them serve their country well.  So please leave Di's kids alone and send Charles, and that what'shisname, the last one who is just living in luxury for nothing. not Andrew.....I not sure if its PHILLIP or Something at least you know who I am talking about.

  18. Actually you make a pretty interestingly valid point.

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