
Should Hillary be running on the (new) Demi/Socialist ticket?

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Let her distance herself from the rest... HILLARY: DEMISOCIALIST Thoughts???




  1. Yes she should.

  2. Are the questions in here getting dumber?

  3. No......demisocialist party, never heard of it, sorry..

  4. Ridiculous.

  5. I would sooner support a socialist  then another Corporatist  like GW....  At least under socialism every one bennifets  unlike our new corporatist system that only benifets the rich.

  6. When you guys are going to baselessly smear someone you have to get yourselves aligned. Remember 2004? You were able to invent this whole new Vietnam war where Kerry was not a hero - just by lying consistently.

    But now with Hillary you are all over the places. One moment she is a communist/socialist. The next she is a shameless poll watching flip flopper with no core values. And then all of sudden she is beholden to big business such as WalMart. See what I mean? With all this inconsistency people do not know which lie to believe so they ignore the lot.

  7. i would definitly agree to that because she is very close to being seen as a communist and some definitly see her as a comminist.  I know that I see her as a communist, but she won't be the only one under that ticket.  John Edwars would be under that ticket to becasue he want s socialized medicene

  8. Ummm...I'm not a fan of Hillary, but I think you go too far to call her a socialist. It's all relative. I'm from Canada, where everything is shifted to the left. In fact, on many issues, conservative politicians in Canada are more liberal than democrats in the US. Hillary may be a hardcore liberal, but she is a far cry from a socialist - if you want to see a socialist you have to go to the left of the Liberal party in Canada, which Hillary is not.

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