
Should Hillary drop-out?

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Should Hillary drop-out?




  1. No, we all know McCain losted. Hilary only needs to fight a little harder to beat Obama. Obama has said it himself, Hilary will make a good president as good him. I favor Obama but I think Hilary will also make a great president.

  2. Not just yet

  3. NO she still has a CHANCE

  4. i say no... hillary should stay in so that McCain will win the election.  Obama would be a tougher competitor for McCain.

  5. I say yes.. so yes.

  6. Probably.  Between her and Bill's book sales they got about $25 million so she could afford to keep going in spite of the futility.  But in spite of their wealth they use other hard working peoples contributions to campaign so probably best to cut the losses and drop out now.

  7. Even Obama himself said no, so no.

  8. Operation Chaos was born primarily for the purpose assuming Obama was going to be the nominee at the get go of this.  He needs to be bloodied up politically since McCain is not going to do it. Since the Republican Party is not going to be on the field in this way, somebody's gotta bloody up Obama.  The only person that can do it is Hillary, and she can't do it if she's not in the race -- and so the purpose was Operation Chaos was to keep her in the race and to have her bloody up Obama in the process of staying in the race.

    Operation Chaos is doing a fine job so far... fight on!

  9. It's irrelevant.  She has already lost.  She's like Ron Paul at this point.

  10. Not yet.  

    I want her to wait until after Memorial Day.  

    That's when we'll know who the Libertarian Candidate is.  

    I want this to be the first time the Libertarians weren't the last to know who their candidate will be.

  11. are the same people who want to stay the course in iraq, the same ones who are now calling for her to quit?

    when it becomes obvious that a winner has been decided then it will be appropriate.

  12. They should have been asking her "when are you dropping out" every day for the last 4 weeks...... just like they did with Mike Huckabee.

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