
Should Hillary take Barrack's refusal to be V.P. serious?

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Should Hillary be offended by Barrack's no to her suggesting him as her V.P.? Could he be playing politics?




  1. No.  It was a stupid and arrogant offer on her part.  Of course he is going to refuse if he wants to show confidence in himself in winning (which he will).

  2. "Could he be playing politics?"

    No, NEVER!  My boy Barack is pure as the driven snow and would NEVER, EVER play politics!!!


  4. No...he should be offended by her posturing...

    Obama 2008

  5. James,

    Barack is leading Hillary and will continue to lead her in delegate count..  Why take the consolation prize?

  6. It shows how out of touch with reality she is. She is behind Obama in the delegate count, yet she is convinced that she will win the nomination (and the Presidential election).

  7. She might be, but she shouldn't.   It was a "Hail Mary" pass, and it didn't connect.  If he reciprocates the offer (he won't), she SHOULD (she won't) accept it.

    Nobody ever taught the Clintons "If you can't beat them, join them", and they aren't going to figure it out on their own.

    What really makes this funny to watch is the similarities between Obama now and Bill Clinton in 1992.

  8. It is all politics. that's kinda the idea. Obama is not going to settle for VP and Clinton even bringing it up just makes her look like she's trying to give voters the subtle hint that he is less qualified than her. it is obvious that she wants us to think that.

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