
Should I Ammend My Records At Planned Parenthood?

by Guest65332  |  earlier

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I went to PP to get treated for an STD stemming form a sexual assault. I described the assault as follows: "He penetrated me with his finger after masturbating. About one month later, I started noticing small red bumps around my vaginal area."

I just received a copy of my files and the clinician wrote "He fingered me and I got lumps."

They quoted me inaccurately at various points in my record. It seems as though they always want to "dumb down" the medical terminology that I use.

I am considering ammending the file and submitting a short statement indicating that I did not make that statement regarding being "fingered." I don't plan on taking any criminal or civil action, but you never know. If I ever did decide to bring a civil lawsuit, the defense attorney would subpeona my records and use that statement against me because the term "fingered" is most often used to indicate a consentual act.

What do you think? Will PP be annoyed by me?

What should I say in the statement?




  1. You already told us your answer. Do what you think is right.

  2. say what you said here

    you should definitely amend it

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