
Should I Be Concerned About What I Found On My Brothers Computer?

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I was over at my parents house the other day and needed to check something on the internet while I was there.

My brother has the only computer in the house so I went to his room.

He was at work so I just went ahead and did what I needed.

My brother is 22 y/o still has always lived at home.

I admit that after I found what I did, I got nosey to see what he had.

It was well hidden (folders inside of folders) but instead of finding typical p**n I found scantily clad young teen girls posing in what looked like professional pictures.

None were naked, but they were in bikinis and/or bra and panties.

First, I know I shouldn't of been snooping. So I haven't said anything to him.

Second, I wonder if this is a phase guys go through at this age.

He doesn't date much, but IDK if I'm over reacting.

Or should I be concerned about him looking at girls 10 yrs. younger than him even though they're not nude?

BTW, I haven't said anything to my parents either.

I'm not sure what to think about




  1. I dont know if you should really say anything to him.I would just every once and a while check to se if it gets worse,then tell your parents.Before it gets out of hand

  2. He's 22 years old and an adult. Mind your own business and  leave him alone. You shouldn't have been snooping inside of "well-hidden folders inside of folders." You have a lot of nerve.

    And why would you tell your parents? Sounds like you want to stir up trouble for your brother. Grow up.

  3. I have found that guys at a certain age do look at images of that nature i think it is quite normal at the age of your brother, but as for looking at girls 10 years younger than him i would be a bit concerned and it does not matter whether these girls are not nude as it does not take much to work out that these girls are only 12 years old which i would be bothered about, but if they were older woman i would not worry as its normal

  4. Leave him alone & keep it quiet

  5. I agree u shouldn't have snooped since he worked so hard to hide this but now u can't undo what u saw so my advice is . . .when u get a chance to talk with your brother alone tell him what u saw & try to discuss it calmly. I am like u in the fact that he is 22 & looking at girls 12 or 13 . . . even though they r not nude it sounds bad. I would NOT involve your parents though after all your brother is 22 not 12 even though he's acting like it. If u can snoop again in a few months I would . . . u might head off trouble for your brother by him knowing u r watching what type girls he's into.

  6. it's a phase YOUR going through.

    nice avatar...

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